A Trans Soulmate au - Takashi Mitsuya

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Word count: 2070

Summary: being trans and not understanding it can make having a soulmate very difficult.

Paring: Takashi Mitsuya X Trans!Reader

Warnings: talk of Dysphoria, internalized transphobia, talk of transition, if i missed any please let me know.

A/n: Welcome this one has a bit of angst but it ends happily I promise. I just thought it would be cute if in a soulmate au where your soulmate's name was on your wrist what would happen if you were trans but your soulmate had your birth name on their wrist. So this came to be. This takes place when Mitsuya is twenty so that's the reader's age as well. I tried to write it so anyone can read it whether you're ftm, mtf or nonbinary, or if you just want to see the inner workings of this trans person's brain. I also want to state this is a rough written interpretation of some of the things I felt before I knew what being Transgender was, it will not cover what everyone feels or what they would feel in this situation. I hope you enjoy it and let me know what you think. Anyway requests are open, and remember to Hydrate or Diedrate. MINORS AND AGELESS BLOGS DO NOT INTERACT

Key: D/n means different/dead name, it can be anything but what you like being called I guess.

I've known who my soulmate is for the past three months but haven't told him yet. You may be thinking, why wouldn't you tell him if you know he's your soulmate, is he not a great guy or something? But that couldn't be farther from the truth, my soulmate is Takashi Mitsuya and he is the sweetest guy to ever live. The problem is me. I don't feel comfortable with who I am and who people want me to be. I've always felt like I've been living a lie, masquerading as someone I'm not, and honestly I'm scared to tell people the truth. What's the problem with admitting your soulmates then, is probably your next question. Well I don't want to see the constant reminder of someone that's not me on my soulmate's wrist.

In our lovely world we live in your soulmates first name is written on your wrist from the time you are born. On my wrist in clean lettering is Takashi and I cherish it, but ever since I started noticing my feelings about myself I've kept it hidden so my soulmate can't figure it out, because they shouldn't be burdened with someone who is broken like me. When I met Mitsuya I was conflicted at first. I knew he was my soulmate because I saw D/n written on his wrist in the same font as mine, and obviously his name matched my wrist. He was so kind that I considered just telling him we are soulmates and dealing with the discomfort of seeing my given name everyday for the rest of my life, but my disdain for who people told me to be won, and I've kept it secret since. Or so I thought.

It was the weekend and there was nothing happening with Toman at the moment so I was hanging out with Mitsuya and Hakkai. We were just chatting, covering topics like what we want to do in the future and how no matter what Hakkai and I will be Mitsuya's number one supporters when he starts his fashion line. It was just a chill hang out among friends.

"Seriously Mitsuya, if you need a model for a photoshoot or runway I got your back promise. I mean what are friends for?" I said brushing a strand of hair out of my face, not realizing my bracelets had slid up my arm.

"D/n's right, we'll help in whatever way you need us to Taka." Hakkai chimed in. "Anyway, other than being a fashion designer, have you thought about looking for your soulmate yet?" He asked Mitsuya to keep attention on him.

When the topic of soulmates was brought up I subconsciously rested my hand on my wrist. Feeling my bracelets out of place I quickly shifted them back into position. Hoping that the one person didn't see the mark and figure everything out. I quickly looked over to Mitsuya and from what I could tell he was still absorbed in his conversation with Hakkai. I sighed in relief before deciding it was probably time for me to go home.

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