Chapter Four

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All rights go to original author.

The cool night air felt wonderful on Camila's warm face. She wasn't sure if it was the weed, the Jack, or the raven girl that kept making her cheeks go pink, but she had a pretty good idea. Say something interesting. Don't be lame, you loser. "It's a lovely night." Camila looked up at the surprisingly clear night sky as Lauren zipped up her jacket.

"It is, very lovely." Lauren looked over at the brunette who was gazing up at the stars. "Are you cold? I should have offered you a warmer coat before we left." Lauren seemed like upon this realization, she might just turn back and go get one.

"No, it's fine. Really, I'm fine." Camila smiled. "I've been feeling hot all day actually. This is perfect."

They continued to walk the short distance to the end of the lane. "You're going to love this curry. It truly is the best I've ever had. Trust me." Lauren glanced over at Camila. Camila's eyes were already on hers.

"I do. I believe you." Camila turned her attention back to the street they were traveling on. She looked around at the shops, the people, the cars and bikes. She had never ventured far from her school's campus in the seven months she'd been living there. Here she was in this giant, exciting city, so much to explore and discover, and she had spent all of it in her room or in class or at the library.

"This is a great neighborhood. Do you like living here?" Camila looked back to the raven girl for her response.

"It does have its advantages. The people are nice, lots to do, I don't get hassled, I feel safe here. makes getting to work pretty easy." Camila smirked at Lauren's joke. "And I'm close to my sister."

"Oh, you have a sister?" Camila was excited to learn something intimate about Lauren's life, but she kept it out of her voice.

"Oh, that I do!" Lauren raised her eyebrows as she thought about her closest family member. Camila was about to question the pointed response, but Lauren grabbed the handle of the shop door they had arrived at and held it open for Camila. "Are you ready for this? There's no turning back now."

It was a tiny hole in the wall establishment with only six small tables in the dining room. At the back was the food counter. Behind the counter stood a rather hot looking brunette with short hair and a pissed off expression. Her eyes looked up from the copy of People she was thumbing through and a giant smile spread across her face.

"Lauren! How's it going, sexy?!" The shop girl put down her magazine and leaned over the counter to take in the full view. "Haven't seen you in a while. I've missed you." The shop girl took note of the other rather hot looking brunette in the room. Her demeanor changed instantly. "Who's this?"

Lauren, unfazed by the obvious flirting, made no attempts to flirt back. "Hey Chrystal. This is Camila." The two exchanged half-hearted hellos as Lauren took control of the room. "Can you get us my usual and two Cobras, please?" Chrystal winked at the raven girl and sneered at the brunette as she turned to work on their order.

"Not sure if we'll be able to find a table." Camila mockingly searched around the empty room.


"No. Not my type really." Camila glanced back at the girl behind the counter. "She seems a bit too...eager, for my tastes."

Lauren was impressed by Camila's claws. "Let's sit down before the cat fight breaks out, yeah?" She chuckled and led Camila to the table by the window, her table.

"You think she's going to spit in my food?" Camila sat down opposite Lauren.

"Why would she?" Lauren seemed genuinely surprised by the question.

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