Chapter One

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All rights go to original author.


Her head was throbbing as she slowly opened her dry, tired eyes. Christ! Why do I let him talk me into these things?! The daylight was illuminating the room just enough for her to do her morning check. I'm in my room, in my bed. Good. She tested out her level of hungover-ness. Turn head to the left. Not bad. And to the right. A bit squishy between the ears, but I don't think I'm going to be sick. Excellent.

As she scanned her brain for any memories of the previous night, she was quickly interrupted as she realized that it was not only her head that was throbbing, but also her right wrist. Must have scraped it on something. Lord knows I've suffered my fair share of drunken bruises, bumps, and blisters. Still under the covers, she lightly touched the skin on the inside of her wrist with her fingertips. Fuck! The brunette bolted upright and pushed off the covers. She held her right arm with her left hand and stared down in disbelief.

The sudden movement sent a shock wave of pain to her already sore head. She blinked once, twice...No, no, this can't be. This couldn't have happened! As reality sunk in and the possibility of this all being a dream slipped away, Camila stared down at her soft, pale wrist and all she could see there was the letter L tattooed on her skin.



"How could you let me do this?!" Camila was up and out of bed pacing around the room in nothing but her panties and a t-shirt. Modesty was not high on her list of priorities at the moment and besides it was only Harry. "I'm not a 'tattoo' kind of person! I get straight As and do volunteer work. I have a career and a future to think about!" Camila stopped pacing suddenly, "I'm going to have to wear long sleeves for the rest of my life."

Harry propped himself up on his elbows from his makeshift bed on the floor next to Camila's bed. He was still half asleep, but he knew better than to complain about the shrill and startling wakeup call he received just moments before.

"This can't be real! It just can't! Look at this, Harry! Look at it! An L? An L?! Why on earth would I get the letter L tattooed on my body?! What the hell kind of irresponsible, dimwitted person wakes up with an L tattooed on their wrist and no recollection of how it got there?!"

Camila was in full freak out mode and Harry had no words to ease her mind. He watched her as she spun around the room in a panic, every few seconds looking down at the new addition to her epidermis. Harry shifted himself onto one elbow and rubbed the back of his head. As he lowered his hand, he caught a glimpse of something on his own wrist that wasn't there the last time he looked.

Camila continued on with her rant, which was now starting to lose steam and she finally stopped pacing, "...and to add insult to fucking injury, this hurts like a mother fucking cock sucker!" She dropped her arms to her sides in surrender and looked to Harry for help.

"I feel you on that one, Shorty." Harry lifted his own wrist and turned it for her to see. Camila's jaw dropped to the floor as she stared wide-eyed at the new ink on his wrist! The letter L.


Harry and Camila sat side-by-side on the edge of Camila's bed. Neither had spoken a word in quite some time. This was not the way Camila had envisioned spending her weekend with Harry when he first told her he was coming for a visit.

It had been nearly seven months since they had seen each other. Harry had stayed in San Jose and was now running his Uncle Keith's bar. Camila had, of course, moved to San Francisco to start her first year of university. She hadn't even come home Christmas holiday and instead, Sinuhe and Alejandro had spent a few days with her in the city.

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