Chapter Forty Two

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All rights go to original author.


"More drinks! More drinks! More drinks, more drinks, more drinks!" Harry held his empty glass high above his head, chanting his fight song to rouse the troops.

"Yes! Harry is exactly right. We need more drinks!" Camila excitedly joined in with her best friend's crusade as if a better idea had never once been spoken before.

Lauren who was sat right next to her, of course, her hand comfortably and continually gripping to the brunette's, smiled widely at her girlfriend. Camila was adorably tipsy by this point of the night. A few drinks since they had arrived at the club, added to the drinks they had with dinner, and the pre-drinks they had at Lauren's apartment as they had gotten ready to go out meant that they were well on their way to being drunk, but not quite yet. This was the time of night that Lauren joined the most. And it was certainly the time of night she would be able to recall the most accurately the next morning.

"Mila's with me! Who else needs a refill?" Harry had taken it upon himself to play bartender all evening. It was his given profession, after all.

"Come on you pussies! It's nearly half eleven." Camila looked to the rest of the table for some enthusiasm.

Ally, who had arrived two rounds before, smiled brightly as she nodded her head with wide eyes. Adam, who sat to her left, gestured apathetically to indicate his desire for a refill. He was counting the minutes until Ally would have to leave the table to start her set on the decks. For the last hour, she had been the energetic and fidgety buffer that separated him from Lily.

Of course, Lily just shook her head with a bored expression and smoothly raised her glass towards the brunette, showing that she was not in need of another drink; her glass was only half-empty. Or half-full depending on one's level of optimism and Lily is definitely not an optimist. She's like the opposite of an optimist. She's a... Camila's happily intoxicated brain followed its own path of thought and then stumbled on a fallen branch. She's a...she's a... She still couldn't quite find the word she was looking for and her face reflected the battle she was having with her vocabularic-recall. Well, whatever. She's weird.

Camila, this entire time, had been staring directly at the dark-haired girl. Lily cocked an eyebrow at the brunette, and intensified her returned stare.

Camila suddenly snapped out of her trance once she realized she had kept her gaze locked with those penetrating, hazel eyes for too long. A part of her thought she might turn to salt with her next breath.

"A pessimist!" Camila shouted at no one in particular, her eyes finally breaking free as they scanned the table.

Lauren gave her a funny look as did the others.

Camila realized after a moment that she had just shouted a non sequitur across the table. She tried to cover. " not...what anyone could call...anyone here tonight." She shook her head slowly from side to side. "No they would not." Camila paused. "Pour the drinks, kind sir!" She pointed to Harry and sat back against the booth, her arm lifting and settling across Lauren's shoulders.

Harry followed her instructions and began concocting drinks from what was left of their bottle service.

Lauren decided to get some dialogue going, because she knew Lily and Adam weren't up to the task and when Ally decided to fill a silence, she always spouted out something incomprehensible or overtly sexual. Either way, the conversation always took a turn for the worse.

"Taylor just texted. She's in the taxi, on her way over." Lauren caught Lily's eye, as the others nodded their acknowledgement of hearing what she had just said. Lauren realized that that bit of information wasn't really a conversation starter.

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