Chapter Eleven

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All rights go to original author.



It had turned out to be quite a lovely Sunday. Sunlight attempted to shine through the window into Camila's dorm room, the cheerful hum of life outside on the streets buzzed through the spotted glass. It was a perfect day for enjoying a cup of coffee and a cigarette outside, in the sun, with eggs and toast and Lauren. No! Focus.

The grumpy, hung-over, and slightly panicked brunette sat hunched over her desk, typing away on her computer and thumbing through giant, leather-bound books, desperately searching for answers, as she raced to beat the clock.

You knew you needed the whole weekend for this paper. What happened to your fucking plan, Camila? Harry calls and you can't say no to Harry once he's got an idea in his head, can you? Fuck! Camila angrily hit the delete button repeatedly as she erased the last sentence she had typed, which upon rereading, was nothing but rambling.

Go out with Harry on Friday. Fine. No big deal. You'll have plenty of time. All day Saturday and Sunday to work. But what did you do instead?

Camila stopped herself right there. She had been struggling to find her focus since she returned to her room, since kissing Lauren goodbye, since seeing Lauren in just her underwear and a thin cotton shirt. Camila closed her eyes as the images whirled around in her brain, knocking all other thoughts into the background. Stop it!

She shook her head and rubbed her eyes. She placed her fingers back on the keyboard and read back the paragraph she had just written. How can someone look so fucking good first thing in the morning?


"You look like shit." Taylor regarded her sister as she sat down across from her at their favorite cafe and weekly brunch spot. The younger Jauregui sister was done up casual and looking flawless.

"Lovely to see you too, Sis." Lauren grabbed the cup of coffee that was waiting for her on the table. Her hair was pulled back in a ponytail, clean face without any makeup. She looked radiant.

"You're late again by the way. Is that like a lesbian thing? Is it genetically impossible for your people to be on fucking time or something?"

Lauren glared over the rim of her coffee cup at her irritating sister. Taylor glared right back and they held it there for a moment before bursting into laughter. "You are such a cunt."

"I guess that means you love me." Taylor smirked as a look of horror spread over Lauren's face.

"That is the most disgusting thing you have ever said to me!"

"Serves you right. Don't be late next time!" Taylor picked up a menu off the table and held it up to her face. "Let's order. I'm starving."


Camila was sat on the sill of her open window, smoking and looking out on the street below. Her laptop was sitting open on her bed surrounded by all the same dense books from before. Her desk had become a bit stifling; she couldn't sit still, so she had changed locations. After several minutes of staring at the screen, fingers poised and waiting to type, she had decided a cigarette was in order.

As much as the nicotine had been calling to her, the thing that was actually causing the brunette's focus to waver continuously was her wrist. Every time she reached to turn a page or ran her fingers through her hair, she saw it. Her perfect, little letter L. Every time it caught her eye, she thought about her. She thought about Lauren. She couldn't stop herself from replaying every moment they had shared the night before and earlier that morning over and over again.

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