Chapter Twenty Eight

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All rights go to original author.


There was a stillness about the room that seemed to shake the brunette awake from where she peacefully slumbered. It alerted her to the things that made this room unlike the one that she had grown used to since leaving San Jose. Besides the strange bed, it was too quiet. Camila's dorm room window faced a busy thoroughfare and the noise from the passing cars, buses, and bikes never ceases, even at this time of night.

Actually, the night had long since passed and Camila found herself squinting to read the hands of her gold watch. Four thirty eight. She closed her weary eyes and let her hand fall back onto her stomach; the soft texture of Lauren's duvet was cool to the touch, a striking contrast to the heat that Camila's hands had been delighting in over the last several hours.

Lauren was asleep with her back to Camila, her hair fanned out over her pillow. Camila turned onto her side, reaching out to touch it.

Camila's brown eyes closed as her mind wandered back through their recent endeavors. A flash of dark green eyes full of desire, skin glazed with sweat, hands gripping and grabbing onto thighs and breasts, dark hair splashing against the pillow, Lauren's body arched, head falling back with release, Camila's fingers deep inside her throbbing center as Lauren cried out her name.

The brunette took in a sharp breath as her eyes shot open and tried to clear the thoughts from her head that were making her want to wake up the sleeping form beside her and go at it for the sixth time that night, not that she was counting. Instead, she let Lauren continue her much deserved sleep and she carefully crawled out of bed, taking the top sheet with her.

After some effort and fumbling about the floor, Camila found her pack of cigarettes and a lighter and went to the window for a much needed cig. The frame creaked a bit as Camila lifted the latch and swung it open. She tossed a glance over her shoulder to make sure that she hadn't disturbed Lauren who was still very much asleep all curled up in blankets and adorable. You're perfect. Camila couldn't help the smile that formed on her lips.

A rush of chemicals entered Camila's lungs as she inhaled deeply. Jesus. Smoking after sex was now her second favorite thing, sex being the first, as she exhaled a thick cloud of smoke from where she was perched on Lauren's window sill. All those post-coital smoking scenes in those god awful movies from the 70s that her mom seemed to love finally made sense.

As Camila burned through her cig, she peered out the window. It was definitely much quieter on Lauren's street. Camila thought about how nice it would be to study there and read without constant noise and distraction. Maybe Lauren wouldn't mind if she stayed over while Lauren went to class or was at work. And maybe some mornings, if her schedule allowed, she could make breakfast while Lauren got ready for the day.

Camila rolled her eyes at herself, muttering, "What the fuck," under her breath. She pulled the sheet tighter around her body, her smile replaced with a scowl, and chanced another glance over at Lauren. "What ya doin'?" Camila shook her head.

This was their first time together, it could possibly be their only time together for all she knew, and she was already making too much of it, letting herself get carried away before she knew for certain. Lauren had lots of girls, lots of brunette girls that weren't her. Camila shook the thoughts away and took another long drag off her cigarette. She closed her eyes. She was tired. She wasn't thinking clearly and now there was that stupid pain in her chest that she felt every time she thought about not being with Lauren.

Camila wanted to leave, collect her clothes from where they were strewn around Lauren's bedroom floor and just go home. It would be easier that way if Lauren was already planning to move on to the next slut she could find.

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