Chapter Twenty Two

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All rights go to original author.


Camila wasn't sure who she should thank, really. Jesus Christ was her go-to for most occasions, but she was fairly certain that Mother Nature was her best bet considering that the rain had stopped and the clouds had fucked off and it had turned into a gorgeous night. A night in which her original plan of taking Lauren on a proper date didn't include ducking into taxis and dodging puddles.

Lauren was just as pleased that the weather had turned around. She much preferred traveling on-foot and surrounding herself with the noise and the people and feeling of the city. Her decision to buy a moped with her college graduation money from her parents instead of blowing it on a handbag and shoes like Taylor had was directly related to her dislike of watching life through car windows. She wondered if she'd ever be able to get Camila on the back of her ride. Just the thought of those thin arms wrapped around her waist was enough to make Lauren grin from ear to ear.

"What?" Camila saw the change in Lauren's expression out of the corner of her eye as they strolled down the lane on their way to their next destination, which Camila had discovered through her meticulous research and instantly knew that Lauren would love it.

Lauren looked over, her smile changing into a smirk. "Wouldn't you like to know." She gave Camila a wink.

"I would, actually. It's kind of the reason I asked." Camila's voice was playful and any nerves she had been feeling earlier had been snuffed out, it seemed, by half a bottle of wine. "Especially if there's even the slightest chance that your smile indicates that you're having a good time."

Lauren laughed.

"What?" Perhaps a few of those nerves were still hanging about.

"Nothing. It's just cute."

"What's cute?"

"It's always do that."

"I always do what?"

Lauren shook her head and thought about just dropping it, but then she saw what appeared to be worry behind those incredible brown eyes and she had to say it. She also wanted to see what Camila's reaction would be. "You always use three times as many words as you need to instead of just saying things straight."

Camila stopped walking and turned to face the cheeky green eyed girl who had dared to question her way of speaking. "Lauren, we've had about three conversations since we met, so the idea that you know I'm always doing anything is a bit ridiculous."

"See. You did it again!" Lauren had a delighted look on her face as she watched Camila bite her bottom lip and look away. Her point had been proven. "I'm not sure why you're trying to deny it; I said that it's cute."

The corner of Camila's mouth turned up into a smile and her eyes connected with Lauren's once again. "Lauren?"


"Are you having a good time?" Camila could be direct.

Lauren took a step towards the brunette, reached up and wrapped her arms around Camila's thin waist. "Camila?" The raven haired girl would always be more direct.

Camila's hands instinctively found their way to up to Lauren's neck and she was once again reminded of how natural it felt, being like this with Lauren. "Yes?"

"This is the best date I've ever been on and I'm having the best time."

"Good, because this is the only date I've ever been on." Camila saw the surprise flash across Lauren's face and wished that she hadn't just said that. But before she had the chance to make too much of it and berate herself for being a total git once again, Lauren pulled Camila closer and pressed their lips together in a slow, searing kiss.

Lauren's lips were so soft; Camila didn't think that it was possible for lips to be that soft, but they were and she took Lauren's bottom lip into her mouth and ran her tongue across it gently. She wondered if every one's kisses felt like theirs, but then she doubted it because she had kissed other people before, one of them even being a girl, and those kisses weren't even on the same plane as the ones she shared with Lauren.

She thought that maybe it was the combination of their lips that made it feel so much more wonderful than any other. Perhaps there was something about the shapes or sizes of their mouths that just worked, but then it didn't really matter, because whatever it was was making her skin heat up all over her body and her heart was pounding wildly and there was an energy that was growing between them making her want to open her mouth wider and then there was a loud beep from a passing car's horn and wolf whistles followed by Grab her tits! and the kiss broke apart.

The two girls kept their bodies close together, but each looked a bit sheepish as they came back to reality. Lauren kept a smile on her face, but there was anger underneath and if given the chance, she'd kick each one of those bastards in the passing car so hard in the balls, it would make their noses bleed. She could do it too; her last name wasn't Jauregui for nothing.

"Sorry." Camila took a step back.

Lauren kept a firm grip on her shoulders. "Don't apologize just because those assholes are classless dicks."

"Oh." Camila raised her eyebrows at Lauren's descriptive language. "I wasn't actually apologizing for that, but I'll keep it in mind for the next time that I kiss you on the street and we inevitably get whistled at." Camila grinned down at the little fireball in front of her.

It was Lauren's turn to say, "Oh," as a light shade of pink covered her smooth pale cheeks.

"Shall we continue on then?" Camila held out her arm for Lauren to take.

Lauren looked down at it and a ridiculously gorgeous smile was instantly on her face. She threaded her arm through Camila's and held on firmly to her bicep as they began walking again. "Thank you."

"Of course. Wouldn't want you to think of me as a classless dick, now would I?" Camila placed her free hand on top of Lauren's and felt her skin started to hum. Maybe there's a correlation between soft lips and soft hands.

"So why did you say sorry then?" Lauren looked up at her with a puzzled expression.

"For eating that second piece of garlic bread."

Lauren let out that deep, throaty laugh that never failed to make Camila smile and as they turned the corner, Lauren remembered that she had also enjoyed the bread and asked Camila if perhaps she'd like to stop somewhere for a pack of gum.

This was really short! I might double update later today if I have enough time and if not today than definitely tomorrow. If you haven't checked my other stories than you should check those out! Until next time.~Val

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