Chapter Forty One

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All rights go to original author.


The festivities had been planned and set by Camila the weekend before. During a study break, the brunette had stretched out across Lauren's sofa and figured out the best course of action for their celebration agenda. On Friday evening, the last day of the term, after both girls had completed their final exams for the school year, they would meet back at Lauren's apartment for pre-drinks and getting ready, which would most likely lead to a quick shag before getting dressed for dinner, or so Camila hoped.

Dinner would take place at a swanky new restaurant nearby that Camila had heard good things about. Of course, all those good things had to be confirmed through endless online review research before she could determine that it was the correct choice and book a reservation for Lauren and herself.

As was their way, Lauren had nodded along in agreement while Camila had read aloud the must haves and highlights, but the raven haired girl had quickly become distracted as she let her fingertips trail softly up and down the length of the long, bare legs draped over her lap.

Lauren loved it when Camila wore shorts when they lounged around studying or watching TV; the brunette had legs for days and she could never keep her hands off of them for long. It had not taken much time before Camila's laptop had been carefully set aside on the coffee table and its place had been taken by the not to be resisted raven haired girl.

On that Tuesday, Camila had called Harry to invite him along as she walked back to her room after class. The weather had been perfect all week and Camila had aced two of her five exams so far (or more aptly, she had felt like she had aced them since the actual results would not be posted until the first few weeks into their summer vacation. But judging from Camila's impeccable track record, she most likely had.

As she had explained to Harry in response to the invitation, after dinner, they would all meet up with the rest of the gang over at Zayn's club. They had contemplated going somewhere else since they always go to Zayn's, but the service they received due to their Collins connection just couldn't be matched anywhere else in town.

Camila knew that Harry had been chomping at the bit for another night out in San Fran with his best friend. She knew that she had been a bit absent as of late, missing Harry's calls and returning them with short text messages that contained promises of calling him later or as soon as she had some free time. As with most things, Harry didn't take it personally. He more than understood that with a hot piece like Lauren Jauregui around, he wouldn't have much free time either.

So by the time Lauren and Camila had handed in their last exam sheets and Harry had hopped onto the afternoon train from San Jose to San Francisco and Taylor had finally picked out her ensemble for the evening and Lily had called out for provisions, the countdown had already begun.


It wasn't until the cool evening air touched their rosy cheeks as they spilled from the front door of the restaurant, out into the bustling city, that the girls realized how warm it had been inside. The cocktails in the bar as they waited for their table and the second round during the appetizers and the bottle of wine with dinner, of course, couldn't possibly be the reason why they were both overheated and giddy and slightly stumbling down the sidewalk in the direction of the club.

"Please tell your mom thank you again for dinner." Lauren's voice was still a bit hoarse from the week's late-night study sessions and lack of sleep. She really hoped she wasn't coming down with something just days before she left for Seattle.

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