Chapter Twelve

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All rights go to original author.


"Hello?" Camila smiled into her phone with the anticipation of hearing the husky reply of Lauren Jauregui. The 'Jauregui' part had been added to the raven haired girl's first name in Camila's list of contacts. There was no reason for it really; she didn't know any other Laurens, she just liked the way it looked and echoed through her mind every time she saw it flash on the screen. Lauren Jauregui.

"Hello, Camila." Lauren's grin was already ear-to-ear the second she pressed the call button on her phone. It was the fourth time that day, actually that she had smiled like that.

The first time was caused by a text message she received on her way out the door of a coffee shop that morning:

I hope it's not too
early. Paper is
complete & handed
in. 'A' material for
sure. I'm nothing if
not modest, yeah?
You working today,

Lauren thought about her reply for a good five minutes while she walked and sipped her coffee, a heavy bag pulling on her shoulder.

I'm always up at
this time, well, not
on the weekends
of course.

Christ. She deleted what she had just written. Why don't I just give her the fucking set-points of my alarm clock?

She tried again.

I'm definitely awake.
Congrats on getting
the paper done. You
will definitely

Delete definitely...already used it.

certainly receive an
'A' . I can feel
it. Not working at the
shop 'til 4. We've got
a 400 pound man in at
6 to have his under
arm made to look like
an open mouth. Poor
Lily. : ( Have a
lovely day.

The second time Lauren couldn't suppress the wide and beaming smile from spreading across her face was while seeing one missed call from Camila and listening to one very rambling but adorable voice message:

"Hey, Laur. Just following through on my promise. I called you, see? And now you're not there. I mean, you're there, obviously. I'm calling your mobile phone so you are pretty much always there, with your pocket or...I guess if you left it at your apartment, you wouldn't be with it, or more so, it with you, but now I've gone way off. (pause) Call me back then...if you want."

Not only was Lauren smiling like a fool as she listened to it, she also swore that she heard an exasperated "shit" at the end of the message right before it cut out, and that made her actually laugh out loud with delight. Definitely saving that one. The raven haired girl tucked her phone back into her pocket as she disappeared through the giant wooden doors of a large stone building.

The third time, it was late afternoon, and Lauren finally got the chance to check her phone as she walked back towards her neighborhood, towards the tattoo shop. She guessed that her lack of response had caused alarm in the brunette girl that she couldn't stop thinking about all day, so she quickly read the series of escalating texts, all six of them, before calling Camila back.

Text 1:
Ugh. Just heading into
my least favorite class.
My phone will be on
silent for the next hour.
I hope your day is
going well.

Text 2:
Just finished my last
class for the day. I
am completely free for
the rest of the evening.
I won't have my phone
on silent anymore, so
call me back when you
get a chance. No rush.

Text 3:
I just had an intense
craving for that curry.
Maybe we could go
again sometime

Text 4:
Perhaps my theory on
you leaving your
phone at home and
thus it not being with
you has been proven
true. Well if so; call
me back whenever
you reunite with it.

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