Chapter Thirty Three

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All rights go to original author.


There was a knock on her dorm room door as Camila checked herself in the mirror above her dresser one last time. She had made an effort for sure, not that Lauren had told her to, but it went without saying since this was the first time that Camila would meet Lauren's parents. She was going to meet Chris too, of course, but after the lewd and egregious stories Lauren had told her about the youngest Jauregui, Camila was less focused on making a good impression on him and more concerned that he keep his comments to a minimum.

As she crossed to the door, Camila took a deep breath and smoothed her skirt. She opened the door to find an adorable girl wearing a green motorcycle helmet and a bright smile.

"Hi!" Lauren was beaming while she gave her girlfriend the once over from head to toe and then back again. "You look amazing."

Camila shook her head and looked down at her outfit bashfully. "I hope I'm not over-dressed. I can change..." She glanced back up at Lauren to gage her reaction.

"You're joking, right? Camila, you look-" Lauren took her by both hands and pulled her in close, making sure she had her direct eye contact. "You look beautiful. You are beautiful. You don't need to change one thing about you."

Camila blushed as Lauren leaned forward and pressed a gentle kiss on her lips. "Thank you."

Lauren smiled in reply and then looked a bit sheepish. "There is one thing that I haven't yet mentioned. A flash of worry clouded Camila's face as Lauren bent down to pick something up from the floor just to the left of Camila's door. Before any real panic set in, Lauren popped back up holding a black helmet in her hands. "Taylor went over early to help Mom with dinner and you agreed two nights ago to ride my baby if I procured the proper safety equipment. The last bit was said with an eye roll and a mocking tone.

Camila folded her arms across her chest in a defensive stance. "I must have misheard you."

Lauren dropped the helmet to her side, holding on to the chinstrap. "And what exactly did you hear instead?" This is going to be good.

Camila pursed her lips and looked around the room to stall for time. "Well, I can't be certain. I was very drunk and if I remember correctly, during that particular point of the evening, there were many references made to riding things."

Lauren's mouth dropped open in shock, her eyes wide and a smile taking over her lips. Camila loved getting a rise out of Lauren. There was just something about making her laugh or surprising her that made Camila feel important. I want to spend the rest of my life making you smile.

Camila bit her bottom lip and exhaled, narrowing her eyes at Lauren, "This does explain why you told me to wear my hair straight this evening."

"You're very perceptive." Lauren was still smiling from Camila's innuendo.

Camila grabbed her coat; Lauren held the door for her and on her way into the hallway, Camila pointed a finger at the green eyed girl and quirked an eyebrow. "You're lucky. I was contemplating taking offense in thinking that you don't like my curls."

Camila sauntered away as Lauren closed the door behind them. It took a few hurried steps for the shorter girl to catch up, but as Lauren linked her arm with Camila's, she smiled up at the brunette and said, "Baby, I love your curls." She winked and her smile turned cheeky.

A small chuckle and a head shake followed by a slight blush on her cheeks was Camila's only response.

"But seriously, Clara Jauregui will not tolerate helmet hair."

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