Chapter Twenty Three

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All rights go to original author.


It was Lauren's favorite time of day, or more appropriately put, her favorite time of night. It was well past evening and any warmth from the daylight hours had been exhausted. The air was cool and crisp and there was a feeling of calm that made Lauren's shoulders relax a little bit more than the red wine at dinner had.

The street lamps were illuminating the dark sky and casting shadows on everything within their path, and the light from the sun had fully dissipated from the atmosphere. There were people on the streets and in cars and on buses who were now on their way out, just starting their night, instead of on their way home, putting an end to their day. Lauren preferred this time; there was an excitement that the night held that she could never find when the sun was shining.

Lauren glanced over and found Camila looking back at her as they came to stand in front of a well worn wooden door. Their walk from the restaurant had been effortless; Camila leading the way as if she had lived there her whole life, which made Lauren suspect that the brunette had put way more thought and preparation into this date than she was letting on.

Of course Camila had! Their date was planned by the girl who had once given her a week-by-week, day-by-day, and, at times, hour-by-hour itinerary of the trip to Hawaii she was planning for her upcoming summer vacation.

Lauren grinned at the memory of that first night with Camila, after they had left the club, and it was finally quiet enough to just talk to each other without having to shout over the music. The conversation had flowed freely and Camila had told her all about Hawaii after Lauren had mentioned a summer internship that she had applied for.

Lauren was about to ask Camila if she had decided between the walking tour or the bike tour for her trip, but stopped herself, because what would be the point? She doubted that Camila would remember ever having discussed Hawaii with her and she'd rather not see that look of confusion on the brunette's face as she tried to explain once again that they had talked about it on the night they met. Lauren wondered whether or not she'd get the same reply if she asked again as if it was the first time.

"After you." Camila held open the door for Lauren who smiled as she made her way inside. She released her grip on Camila's arm and felt the smooth material of her coat slide under her fingers until her hand reach Camila's. It wasn't something that Lauren would have ever done with any of the other girls she had gone out with, but having Camila's hand in hers as they entered the bar was something that Lauren wanted everyone to see and pay attention to. Tonight, the raven haired girl was taken and not looking to keep her options open. She felt Camila squeeze her hand as the door shut behind them.

It took a few seconds for Lauren's eyes to adjust to their dimly lit surroundings. She glanced around the room and it was clear that they were in a bar, a very swanky bar at that. Straight away, she noticed the floor, which was made up of wooden planks that had black stenciling scattered about on them. It was too dark to make out what they were, but to Lauren it looked like logos and lettering of some kind.

"They're barrels." Camila offered the answer to Lauren's unspoken question.

"What?" Lauren looked up at the smiling brunette.

"The floors are made from old whiskey barrels. See?" Camila pointed at the floor and upon closer inspection, Lauren saw what was left of a Jack Daniel's stamp embedded in one of the floor boards.

"So you've brought me to a bar made of whiskey barrels?"

"Actually, I've brought you to a whiskey bar made of whiskey barrels." Camila gestured over to the bar that stretched along the far wall.

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