Chapter Five

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All rights go to original author.

The music that encased the dance floor was loud and thumping. Colored lights bounced off of every surface in time with the heavy beats and bass. The DJ in the booth kept the decks spinning, but the energy had noticeably shifted as the final sound check commenced on stage. The crowd that was moments ago lost in the waves of the music, had excitedly turned to watch the band as they readied their instruments and equipment.

Lauren expertly maneuvered her way through the mass of bodies with Camila following behind, their hands holding tight to one another. As they reached the center of the floor, Camila felt her body tense as Lauren placed her hand on the small of her back, leaning close to her ear, and pointed to the stage.

"That's Adam, Ashley's brother. He's the bass player. And the girl with the side-ponytail, that's Ally. She plays keyboards and synth. She's Lily's best friend."

"Seriously?" Camila had a hard time believing that one.

"I know, quite the odd couple, but friends since they were 15. Don't ask me how it works, it just does." Lauren smiled as she searched the stage for the last person to introduce to Camila.

The drummer had taken her seat behind the drums, a boy with a guitar fiddled with his amp and made his last tweaks to the tuning pegs, and then the lights went dark and the music cut out. The crowd roared with cheers and applause. Camila clapped and looked over at Lauren who whistled loudly using her first finger and thumb. Impressive.

The lights came back up on stage. The drummer started drumming and the bassist started bassing and the others followed on queue. Camila had been expecting a rock 'n' roll style band for some reason so she was surprised when the music pumping through the speakers turned out to be some kind of pop-dance-electro-hybrid with heavy synth and beats. This is definitely the kind of music you can dance to.

She wasn't wrong. The entire crowd heaved and surged as they got into the rhythm of the music. Everyone around Camila bounced and bobbed about, fists in the air, their bodies lost once again in the pounding music.

The brunette, watching the crowd with fascination, looked over at the raven girl and was about to comment, but ...So ...Fucking ...Hot. Camila lost her train of thought as her eyes found the perfect shape of Lauren beside her. She was dancing, reveling in the music, letting it control her body, completely enveloped in the tones and melodies and beats. Completely free and uninhibited and wild. Camila had never seen a more gorgeous sight in all her days.

When Camila remembered to breathe, the audience let out another loud cheer as a thin, dark haired man appeared on stage and stood at the microphone. A spotlight highlighted his face. He was very handsome and at the same time very pretty. His eyes looked out onto his adoring fans. Eyes that seemed familiar to Camila somehow.

The band continued to play, never letting the beat drop or slow down. The man at the microphone closed his eyes and began to sing. "That's Zayn, Lily's older brother." Lauren had leaned over to Camila's ear again. Her hand was on the small of her back again. "All the girls are in love with him...some of the boys too." Camila smiled. Lauren removed her hand and turned her attention back to the stage.

Camila stood still as she watched the band play and the kids in the crowd thrash about. She was enjoying the music and enjoying the atmosphere when Lauren spun around to confront her. "Why aren't you dancing?" Lauren seemed disappointed, or was that annoyed, Camila wasn't sure but she had to answer.

"I'm not much of a dancer, really." Camila hoped that would be enough, but as she took another look around her, she had to admit that she was literally the only person in the club not dancing.

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