Chapter Forty Three

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All rights go to original author.

The line to get into Zayn's was nearing the end of the block by the time her taxi pulled up out front. It was a lovely night with clear skies so the would-be party-goers still waiting to get in weren't as desperate to get through the doors as they would have been on the nights when the clouds decided to, literally, rain on their parade. Of course, no matter what the weather, no one liked a line-jumper.

Luckily for Taylor Jauregui, she didn't give a fuck; it's not like she would ever show up to a club before midnight, like some amateur, just to wait in line. Besides, she loved taking advantage of her connections. So having handed the cabbie his fare, checked her hair and makeup in her compact, and applied a topcoat of lip gloss, Taylor made her way from the cab and to the head of the line like a Hollywood starlet. The only difference being that instead of flashbulbs popping and fans cheering, there were fingers flipping and obscenities shouted.

A younger Taylor would have shouted back, no doubt, with some choice hand gestures of her own, but this Taylor had learned her lesson during the first week of her first job out of college. One day while out on a coffee-run for her boss, a man had pushed past her on the street and Taylor had called him a dickhead at a volume that wasn't hard for anyone to miss and the man stopped and turned around. To Taylor's horror, it was the owner of the agency, her boss' boss. In a fortuitous turn of events, Gerald, the owner, having seen the look of absolute terror on Taylor's face, had simply given her a wink followed by, "My apologies, dear," and continued on his way. Taylor had made a vow to never shoot her mouth off again...unless, of course, she knew exactly who she was talking to.

Niall had spotted her the second she had gotten out of the cab and was waiting with open arms to greet the fabulous Jauregui. "Taylor, you are looking ever so beautiful tonight." The front of the line rolled their eyes as Taylor flashed Niall her 1,000-watt smile and leaned in for a double-cheek kiss.

"Thanks, Niall." Taylor giggled as he turned her around in a full circle to get a better look at her incredible dress. It was designer, it was glamorous, and she looked damn sexy in it.

"Everyone is already inside. Please, follow me." Niall unlatched the velvet rope and Taylor floated past the herd of jealous onlookers. She may have learned her lesson about shouting things, but she just couldn't help herself and blew a kiss at them as she disappeared into the club.


Once inside, it took a moment for her eyes to adjust to the darkness and flashing lights. First things first, she sauntered over to the bar to add another drink to the base coat she had already established while getting ready and waiting for her cab. A devastatingly handsome bartender caught her eye as she got closer. She smiled back at him, already working out the way in which she would give him her number, before she was suddenly knocked off balance by a frantic-looking brunette.

"What the actual fuck?!" Perhaps she hadn't learned much of a lesson after all. Taylor righted herself and looked up to see Camila standing in front of her, posed and ready to flee, but waiting to make sure Taylor was okay, a hand on her arm.

"Sorry, Taylor. I've-" Camila wasn't able to finish her sentence as she fought to hold back tears.

Taylor stood there stunned as Camila took off towards the door. Still not really sure what just happened, Taylor looked back over to the bar, her super fit bartender gave her another wink. She then looked over at the door Camila had run out of. With an eye roll and an annoyed Fine, Taylor marched after her.


Taylor saw the look of concern on Niall' face right away. He pointed toward the side of the club that led to the alleyway. She gave him a nod as if to say I've got this.

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