Chapter Forty

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All rights go to original author.


Lauren Jauregui had always hated countdowns. New Year's Eve was overrated and ultimately a letdown. The worst of them all were the days leading up to her birthday.

So now, as the days dropped off the calendar, she tried her best not to start a countdown of her departure from San Francisco to Seattle. But with finals and papers due, she couldn't help but be hyper-aware of just how many days were left. She had even contemplated dropping out of her internship altogether, but her parents would never allow for that.

Lauren glanced over at the brunette with the furrowed brow and unshakeable look of concentration on her face. "Your first kiss."

Camila looked up from her textbook that was laid open on Lauren's coffee table, her fingers hovering over the keyboard of her laptop. "Excuse me?"

The raven haired girl smirked at the brunette from her vantage point, her body slung over the old beat-up armchair that resided next to her couch in her living room, legs dangling over one arm and her back resting against the other. "Tell me about your first kiss."

Camila drew her hands back and let them fall into her lap as she regarded the girl that looked even smaller than normal in the oversized piece of furniture. "We're suppose to be revising, Lo." Camila tried to sound serious, but the twinkle in Lauren's beautiful green eyes made it impossible for her not to smile back.

"I am revising."

Camila's eyes went wide at the response. "A description of my very disappointing and very," Camila almost gagged at the memory; she swallowed it back, "slobbery first kiss cannot be in any way related to your human anatomy final that takes place tomorrow afternoon."

"Care to make a wager on that?" Lauren smiled at Camila as she used her blue ballpoint to mark the page of the textbook resting against her legs.

Camila knew better than to engage the taller girl during their revision sessions, but she had learned that the only way to get anything done was to let Lauren take frequent breaks...and have control of the music selection. Camila had been known to study for hours in silence without noticing the passage of time, but Lauren couldn't sit still for more than twenty minutes before creating some type of distraction.

With a reserved smile, Camila pursed her lips before taking the bait. "One hour of uninterrupted revision."


"I'm serious. Like no talking, no getting up to get a drink, no bathroom breaks." Camila had to make sure her intentions were clear.

"I know what uninterrupted means, Camz." Lauren swung her legs around and placed her feet on the floor, pushing her book off her lap. Instead of standing, the raven haired girl slowly lowered herself onto her knees, her palms finding their way to the floor, as she crawled towards the brunette who was seated behind her coffee table. Camila watched her intently. Lauren locked eyes with Camila as she moved closer and closer, like a jungle cat stalking its prey.

Camila swallowed again, this time for a very different reason, as Lauren approached from the other side of the small table that Camila liked to make into a desk each time they studied there. She was fully aware that from her current position Lauren knew that she could see directly down her shirt. She liked to think she was too clever to be manipulated by Lauren's tricks, but honestly, she was only human.

As she quickly regained eye contact with Lauren, she knew that she had gotten caught looking. Lauren gave her a naughty grin as she placed both hands on the table top and leaned over it, giving Camila an even better view.

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