Chapter Thirty Five

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All rights go to original author.

She wasn't surprised, or at least, she shouldn't have been surprised. Camila had experienced so many new things with Lauren, exhilarating, feverish, heart racing, heavy breathing type things with Lauren, that climbing on the back of her baby and wrapping her arms around the girl and holding her close to her body while she silently seethed with anger and in all honesty didn't want to touch Lauren at all...was just another new thing to experience. Add it to the fucking list!

"Camila..." Lauren's eyes were pleading as she stood with her back to their ride home.

"No. I don't want to do this, not now, not in front of your parents' house, standing in the fucking driveway." Camila couldn't meet Lauren's eyes. She looked up with annoyance, she looked down with embarrassment, but she couldn't look into those green eyes. She knew that it would break her.

"Okay." Lauren turned away. She couldn't stand one more second of those brown eyes darting all around, but refusing to land on hers.

The ride back to Lauren's was torture. Camila held on to her like she was a stranger. Lauren understood. And as they turned the corner onto the green eyed girl's block, Lauren braced herself for the dismount.

Camila was up and off the bike before it had even come to a full stop, pulling her helmet from her head and shaking her brown locks free. Lauren had a flash of one of those corny scenes from a movie where the hot chick whips off her disguise and her hair falls perfectly into place even though that would be an impossibility in real life. Except in this case, that hot chick was currently standing in front of her, perfect hair and all, and Lauren would have had a silly grin on her face if she wasn't feeling so dreadful at the moment.

"'m gonna head home." Camila still couldn't look Lauren in the eye as she extended the helmet for Lauren to take.

The raven haired girl stepped onto the sidewalk, but didn't reach out to grab it. Instead she just stared at the brunette.

"Here." Camila had to make eye contact on the second offering to let Lauren know she was serious. But the weight of the helmet became too much for her thin arm when she saw the look of hurt and pure sadness on Lauren's face and she let it drop limply to her side.

"Don't leave. Come upstairs, we'll have a drink and forget about this whole fucking night, okay?" Lauren did her best to push away the feelings that clouded over her and painted on what she hoped was an enticing smile.

"Can't. I've got an early lecture in the morning." Camila distracted herself by digging in her jacket pocket for her pack of cigarettes. She had learned not to look at Lauren directly if she needed to tell a lie.

"Your first class on Mondays isn't until eleven, Camila."

Camila flipped open the pack and shook it a bit until one popped up above the others. She gracefully brought the pack to her mouth and gently pulled it free with her lips. As she returned the pack to her pocket and searched for her lighter, she squinted at Lauren, debating with herself as to whether or not she wanted to just forget about it like Lauren had suggested.

Her debate was cut short when the front door of the tattoo shop flew open, the little bell ringing out into the still night, and Lily appeared on the stoop. The two girls turned their attention on the brunette who gave them no more than a glance before lighting up a joint and taking a seat on the top step.

"Hey, Lil." Lauren looked back at Camila and tilted her head towards the door that lead up the stairs to her flat. She tossed a cheeky grin at the brunette.

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