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Jamie watched his wife remove her ring and set it on the kitchen table. He had no place to say anything, he fucked up. He knew that Amina knew her worth. As much as he wanted to beg her to stay he knew it was selfish.

"Jamie. I love you. I always have and I always will. I don't want this to end but I need a break. I need time to think."

"You took off your ring"

"I did."

"Is this the end? Are you breaking up with me?"

"No." She didn't hesitate a bit.

"I love you but I need some time. I need some me time, that's why I took it off. If you want me to keep it on I will but I need time to heal on my own."

"You don't have to keep it on but please don't lose it. It means a lot to me, you know why."

"I know. I won't lose it. I want you to be gone before the kids get home."

"You said you need time. Should I take the kids? Or maybe you can stay in the condo?"

"No. Just give me a week or two, please."

"Of course. You know where to find me if you need anything, Amina. Anything. I'm really sorry. Please forgive me."

She nodded, hugging her husband tight.  She kissed his cheek and sat down waiting for him to leave.


Amina began making her children dinner. She figured that it would be easier to forget what was happening between herself and her husband if she made herself busy.

She set the table before moving the food onto the table.

"Come eat!" One by one her children came downstairs and sat down at the table. She poured four cups of water, before sitting down herself.

Samira and Amir sat down digging in. They were completely oblivious to all that was going on around them.

"Where's daddy?" João asked, pushing the food around his plate. They ate dinner together every single night. Every night.

"He won't be here for a few weeks so you might as well eat." Amina sighed.

João sat watching Amina. He was raised that his father had the first bite. He wasn't going to eat until his dad was here. He waited patiently but twenty minutes passed and he wasn't here. He stood up going to get Jamie.

"Dad, Dad? It's time to eat. I'm hungry" João pushed the door open when no one responded.

"Daddy?" He knocked on the door and no one answered. He looked in the closet before going back into the main bedroom.

He saw a note and picked it up before putting it down. He walked out but when he saw that Amina was still seated he ran back upstairs and closed the door.

He read over the note his mother was writing to his father.

"João, come eat. He's not going to be here for dinner-What are you doing?"


"What are you hiding?" Amina knew he had something behind his back.


"Give it to me"


"Don't tell me no, give it to me, now" since Jamie's been gone she's had to take on both the nurturing and disciplinary role which she rarely did.

João gave her the note. She opened it and looked at him.

"Why are you going through my stuff?"

"Why are you-"

"Don't question me, little boy. Why are you going through my stuff."

"Daddy is not allowed-"

"Why are you going through my things?"

"I'm sorry"

"Do I go through your things?"


"I respect your privacy, right?"

"Yes, I'm sorry but-"

"I don't want to hear it, João. Don't do it again, do you understand me?"

"Yes mama, im sorry"

"Go eat your food and get ready for school tomorrow"

"Im not hungry"

"Goodnight then."



"Please don't divorce my dad"

"Good night, João. I love you"

"Mama please. Promise me"

"Goodnight João, I love you" she gently pushed him out of the room and closed her door. She needed a few minutes. She didn't want the kids to find out. She didn't think João would go through her stuff.


"Yes João"

"I can't sleep until my daddy is home"

"Daddy is not coming home, João. Do you want to call him? He's at Nonno's house."

"No. What are you guys going to do with custody? What if I have to go back with mom" João began to panic. He didn't what to lose what he had.

"I love her but I don't want to live with her. Please. You can't break up with daddy. Then you'll be a single mom. You don't wanna be a single mom. I need both of you and so does Smiley and little. You guys are soulmates. You can't get divorced. Please wait until I'm 18 please."

"João, relax" Amina kissed his head trying to reassure him. 

"We will ask have a talk before we go through with anything.  Okay? I don't want you to say anything about this,  alright?"

"Okay. Did you get the papers?"

"No baby.  Stop worrying"

"I can't this is all I know and you guys are tearing it apart. You're both selfish!"

At first Amina was going to say something but João decided to vent. She knew he would hurt the most.

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