Another chance?

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“You're okay, you're okay” Jamie mumbled to himself when Samira slipped on her costume and fell. She quickly got up but when she heard gasps she froze up and ran off the stage. Amina and Jamie shared a look before going to get their daughter. João waited in the audience with London and Marco.

“Daddy!” She ran to Jamie in tears.

“Shhh, It's okay, you're okay.” He fixed the piece in her hair.

“Relax. Breathe. You need to recollect yourself and ask if you can have another turn.”

“I can't. I can't. She's never going to give me another solo again!” Samira cried, hugging her dad tighter.

“Let's go” He grabbed her hand and began walking to the judges panel.

“Nooo, No.” She put her weight down not wanting to go and embarrass herself.

“Either you go up there or you're done” Jamie threatened. He knew she worked hard for the solo and didn't want the opportunity to go to waste. He didn't know how to motivate her, he just wanted to push her because he knew she could do it.

“I'm not going.”

“Alright. Then you're done. Go get changed.”

“No!” Samira cried, crossing her arms over her chest.

“Yes. If you don't want to dance, I won't force you. Go change your clothes.”


“Okay then, let's go.”

She cried the whole way to the director of the competition.

“Samira! Are you okay?” The teaching assistant asked with a dramatic gasp.

“She fine. Go ahead” Jamie put an encouraging hand on her back.

“Um. . .excuse me” Samira whispered looking at her mother for help when she was ignored.

“Excuse me, Hi my name is Amina Simiyu, I'm Samira's mother. My daughter had a bit of a stumble on stage and we just wanted to know if there's another time slot for her to go again.” Jamie hated that Amina stepped in instead of allowing Samira to speak up for herself.

“No.” Amina was a little shocked as no wasn't a word that she heard often.

“Okay well, can you at least check. You didn't even check the spreadsheet. I heard other solos were pulled.”

“Ma'am, she had her chance. I cannot give her another chance. Try harder next time.” Samira just wanted to disappear. This is why she didn't want to ask. She hugged Amina as she began to cry again. This time people began looking at them.

“Its okay, princess.” Amina picked her Up and rubbed her back.

“You have To stop babying her, Amina. Let her speak up for herself. You're not always going to be there for Her.”

“She's eight.” She sat down rubbing Samira's back.

“Old enough”

“Were you standing up for yourself at eight?”

“That's different.”

“Its not. That's what we're here for.”

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