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Amina's POV:


"Good luck, bubba" I tried to kiss his cheek but he whined pushing me away.

"Go on then"

It was his first football tryout. This camp was actually quite competitive, they told us that they cut children so I'm a little worried about that. I thought everyone makes the team. I'm sure they can't be too harsh on six year olds.

"What's your name?"


"João, você é brasileiro?" The coach asked and he nodded with a smile.

"You can be the next Neymar. Who's your favorite footballer?"


"He's good. Lets get started" I smiled seeing him sway nervously.

"Did I miss anything?" Jamie asked sitting beside me, he had gone to the bathroom.

"No, not yet."

". . . He's going to pass you the football and you're going to shoot, sound good?" João nodded.

So, long story short, he didn't do very well. He didn't do well at all. He got cut after his first round.

"You don't have to be rude about it. He's six, what do you expect him to do? Bend it like Beckham?"

"Babe, it's alright. He needs more practice. Joey, come to mama" he stood in the middle of the pitch, with an oversized kit holding back tears. He began to cry when he saw Jamie and I. I felt so so so bad. I didn't think these kids would be that good.

Jamie jogged over picking him up. He wrapped his arms around his neck, crying into him. I couldn't with the sympathetic stares.

"It's alright, bubba. Daddy cried when Italy failed to qualify for the world cup too." I smiled at his attempt to cheer him up.

"I think we should stay out of respect for the other players."

Jamie shot me a look before walking to the parking lot. By the time I got to him he was buckling João into his carseat.

"Did you try your best?"

"Yes. I'm no good"

"Dont say that. You just need more practice. If you tried your best that's all that matters. We're going to go home and celebrate the opportunity. There's no need to be sad. You won't be perfect at everything on the first try."

"I don't wanna play football anymore."

"What? You love football" I turned to him. I reached in the center console grabbing my care bag and taking out some wipes to clean his face.

"I hate it"

"No, you don't."

"I hate it. I never want to play again!!"

"Stop saying that."

"I hate it!" He mumbled.

"Fine. Since you hate it so much I don't want to see you touch a football, watch football. Don't even think about it. I'm going to give the tickets to uncle and he can take Alessio instead of you and I going." Jamie pulled out, driving us home.


"Yes. Since you hate it so much"

"I don't hate it, daddy. I just wanted to win" he frowned.

I pulled out my phone looking up some football camps for him. I began reading the reviews and this should be fun.

"What are you doing?"

"Trying to find somewhere for him to practice. They said that they're open to people with no skill but experience is preferred"

"He's six"

"Yeah, for older kids im guessing. Joey's been playing for a little while."

"I'm concerned because they said that the head coach is really stern and João doesn't do too well with harsh tones and strict ways." I knew from experience with our parents. They're way nicer to him than they were to us yet João still doesn't like my dad because he thinks he's too mean.

"Well, the world isn't sunshine and rainbows. He needs to learn that not everyone is going to coddle him and talk to him nicely."

I sighed. I was worried but I knew he loved football and that this would make him better. . . I hope.

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