Part 4 - Take My Breath

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During this very hot summer day you decided to take advantage of Robert's house and invite some of your friends over in order to go to the beach that's literally 5 steps away. There's no way you can handle this temperature without some swimming, tanning and later some cocktails in the house bar. Your friends, of course, accepted the invitation with no hesitation, knowing that the house is a literal paradise on Earth.

Just before noon, everyone was here and you welcomed them all with a hug and excitement. It wasn't the time for a house tour, that's for later, so you gathered all the necessary things and left all together to go to the beach. You're not a very big group but it's still enough to be loud, thankfully though there aren't many people around so you can do your thing in peace.

God, the water feels amazing and helps so much with lowering your bodies' temperature. It's actually such a nice day, the laughter is filling up your heart with so much joy. Your friends make sure to make this day even better with their jokes, the light atmosphere and the funny pictures you all take, some of them to post online and some of them to keep to yourselves.

One of those pictures actually ended up way too spicy to post anywhere but that was for a good reason. You thought that since your boyfriend isn't here with you to witness such a good sight, he deserves to not feel left out. Meaning that the picture with your almost naked body was directly sent to him, with an equally teasing and seductive description.

"Don't make me hard when I'm at work" he replies just a couple of minutes later.

"Maybe you should come here and let me take care of that for you" you reply, biting down your lower lip.

"There's nothing I'd love to do more than that. Give me some days and I'll be there" his next text.

You keep the conversation short because he's still at work. You stay at the beach until you all start feeling tired and sunburned and eventually you had to go back home to hydrate and regain your strengths.

"Be careful around the house, please" you ask from them nicely.

They all seem to nod at your comment so you're hopeful that they will listen to you. Most of them go outside and sit around on the yard as a few of you stay inside and start preparing the drinks.

"If I lived here I wouldn't ever want to leave, unless it was to go to the beach" your friend, Helen, jokes.

"It really is amazing here, I don't mind staying home at all" you agree with her.

"And this is your dad's friend's house? Since when do you have connections with rich guys like this?" she asks.

"Honestly, I had no idea. Apparently him and my dad were friends since high school and lost contact until recently" you explain.

"Is he a celebrity or something?" she wonders.

"No, he's just an art critic, whatever that means" you shrug.

"Oh, that explains the decorations" she giggles.

"I know right" you chuckle.

The drinks are ready so you take them outside and leave them on a table, available for everyone to grab. People have already taken care of the music, making the atmosphere feel a lot like a party. The more time that goes by the more alcohol you consume, which makes you all feel more comfortable. That explains the dancing along to the music and the generally loud noises the whole group is making.

"Wow" you hear one of the guys gasp as a car pulls up in one of the parking spots.

You immediately recognise Robert's car, apparently he's back from work or wherever he was. The guys of the group look his way to admire the beauty of the car but the girls on the other hand look his way to admire him. You don't blame them, his classy outfit and very well taken care of look are breathtaking, but you do get jealous for no valid reason.

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