Part 29 - Smoking Hot

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When you arrive back home, Jeffrey parks the car where it's supposed to be and comes all the way to your door to open it for you. He gives you his hand and helps you get out, quickly pushing you against the car as soon as you step out and shut the door. You're wearing heels so your height difference isn't that big anymore, meaning that you're actually very close.

"I'm so happy that we worked this out tonight" he says quietly.

"Me, too" you bring your hand on his face, gently touching his cheeks.

"And you kept your promise of not coming back late" he smiles proudly.

"You know I'm not one to disobey" you tilt your head with a slight smirk.

"I know" his eyes fall seductively on your lips.

You don't need to exchange any more words at this point, you naturally lean into each other and connect your lips eagerly. You haven't kissed since this morning and it feels even longer than that. That must be the same feeling for Jeffrey as well, judging by how much emotion he's putting into the kisses.

"I love you so much" you admit as your head falls back.

"I love you, too. Every single thing about you" he says with his deep voice before hiding his head between your jaw and neck.

Your hands grab his shoulders and hair, pulling him closer to your body. It's crazy how weak his soft neck kisses can make you feel. And even crazier how his knee being pressed between your legs is making you hot and heavy.

"Should we join Robert?" Jeffrey asks you when things start getting a bit out of hand with your moans and his lips leaving red spots on your skin.

"Only if he hasn't finished everything already" you smirk.

"Don't worry, there's enough for all of us" he returns close to you and pecks your lips slowly.

The smile on your lips says everything your mouth doesn't. With just a small nod from Jeffrey you get the message that you should pave the road and he closely follows you from behind. You are as quiet as possible as you go through your floor to reach Robert's. Last thing you need is waking up your dad now that he went to bed.

The sight you come across when you get upstairs is enough to continue your aroused feelings from earlier in the parking lot. Robert is sitting comfortably on the couch with his back far back and his legs wide open. The cigar in his hand is fuming and he slowly inhales and exhales the smoke with a steady rhythm. He's definitely under the influence, he looks so calm and relaxed.

"He might have been alone in here for too long" Jeffrey chuckles.

"Let's fix that" you suggest and he agrees.

You walk closer to Robert and he eventually notices, even though it took him significantly longer than it should have. The smoke all around his body probably has something to do with his slowness. Although, there's something extremely hot about the way he's inhaling and exhaling that smoke between his lips.

"You decided to join us?" he asks when you sit next to him.

"I wouldn't miss all the fun" you grin.

He glares into your eyes while blinking slowly as you do the same. You're both practically frozen but you still manage to bring your hand to his lips and take the cigarette off of them and place it between yours instead.

"Hey, not cool" he complains.

"Don't be a baby, Jeffrey said you have the good stuff" you say and proceed with exhaling the smoke slowly.

Jeffrey smiles and sits down on another couch. He takes the necessary ingredients from the table in front of him and starts making a new cigarette for himself. The way his tongue licks the paper before he rolls it into a big, nice cigarette is making you feel crazy aroused.

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