Part 32 - Spontaneous

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You couldn't be more excited and thrilled about tonight. Actually, you can't even believe you managed to convince Robert to take you out on a date. And this is why you got ready with one of your sexiest outfits. Tight short skirt, open cleavage, dark red lipstick, intense perfume, high heels, shiny earrings.

You communicated and made sure that you left the house way earlier than Robert. He's not playing around with his careful tactics. But it was all worth it when you finally met him in the street, in his fancy car pulling up next to you. He rolled the windows down and looked at you through the one on your side, looking sexy as hell.

"Hey, Mr. Downey" you can't hide your smile as you lean closer.

"Get in" he motions with his head and stretches over to the passenger's door to open it for you.

You nod and enter the car with a beautiful smile on your lips. As soon as the door closes, he pauses to take in your image. You can practically see his brain trying to work out what he's looking at. The little curve in his lips shows you that he's really enjoying the sight.

"You look fantastic" he compliments you, his one hand stretched and holding the wheel.

"Thank you, you look very stylish" you return the compliment.

"Just trying my best to impress my date" he practically blushes.

"Consider me impressed" you smile warmly.

He leans into you slowly and brings his lips on yours. Of course you accept without a second thought. The softness and tenderness he's putting into his kiss have you forgetting about the fact that you're in the middle of the road. That explains why you were all over him as soon as he opened your door after he parked the car outside the bar.

"Relax, that's the point of tonight" you gently rub your hands on his strong chest.

He exhales slowly, accepting that this is acceptable now. It takes him a few seconds but he eventually pulls you into him by your neck for a hot kiss. Your lips are moving along so nicely, deepening the kiss by the second. Suddenly being free of the fear of being caught makes you both feel much more relaxed.

"Making out in public... feels unexpectedly wrong" you giggle.

"I think you mean it feels unexpectedly weird" he corrects you.

"Everything about us is supposedly wrong, that's what makes it better" you whisper before kissing his neck.

"Gosh" he tilts his head back in pleasure.

Your hands are wrapped around his neck and his hands are touching yours passionately as he enjoys your lips on his skin. He actually needs a couple of seconds to regain his consciousness and come back to his senses after you pull back from him, which makes you smile.

"Let's go inside" he clears his throat.

"Agreed, it looks really nice" you nod.

It's a small bar outside the busy city areas, just like you agreed on. Not too many people are inside but the music is very enjoyable and the decoration is lovely. You find your reserved table and sit across of one another, looking closely at the menu. Robert is quick with his choice, he didn't even need to look at it.

The waitress approaches you with a warm smile, ready to take your orders. She glances between you, noticing the way you interact.

"Good evening! What can I get for you tonight?" she asks, her eyes lingering on you.

Robert leans back slightly, his hand still resting on the table, while you straighten up, exchanging a quick glance with him before turning your attention to the waitress.

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