Part 7 - Complicated

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"Good morning, sweetheart" your dad tells you when you join him on the kitchen table for breakfast.

"Good morning" you smile at him and reach for a cup of coffee.

"I hope you like everything, it's been a while since I last cooked for you" he says nervously.

"I'm sure it'll all be perfect, don't worry" you reassure him, appreciating his effort even though he's been working hard.

"Thank you, sweetheart" he seems happy.

You try the first bites of the different kinds of food he's prepared and it tastes like home. Like all these years since you were a kid, same scents, same tastes, same smiles. Only thing changing is that now you're drinking coffee instead of juice.

"Is this for Robert? Is he joining us?" you ask with curiosity, noticing that the table is set for 3.

"Yes. Well, it was supposed to be for Robert but he's not going to join us I think" he shrugs.

"Is everything okay?" you wonder.

"I don't know to be honest. He's been acting weird the last couple of days, I think something personal might be going on" he replies, biting on his food.

"Personal? Has he said anything?" your stomach tightens slightly.

"No, I'm just getting this feeling. I caught him drinking by himself last night after he came back from work, it seemed like he had personal struggles" your dad sounds concerned.

"I hope he's okay" you sigh.

"I'm sure he'll be fine, let's not make this worse" he clears his throat.

"You're right. So, do you have a day off today?" you ask, wondering how come he's around for breakfast.

"No, I just have the night shift. But it does feel nice to share this beautiful morning together" he smiles kindly.

"It really does. Sorry I haven't been visiting you much after college started" you apologise.

"It's alright, baby. I know how important it is building your new life there with all the new friends... and of course the boyfriend" he says playfully.

"Thank you, it's really overwhelming at times" you smile, almost blushing.

"When is everyone visiting you?" he asks.

"My friends are talking about visiting next month" you let him know.

"And the boyfriend?" he raises his eyebrows.

"He's visiting sooner than the others. Might as well be this week" you say.

"That's amazing! You need to invite him over for dinner" he smiles widely.

"I will" you nod nervously.

"Are you shy? I promise I won't be one of those dads that interrogate the poor boys" he laughs.

"That's not what I'm afraid of" you make a funny grimace.

"What is it then?" he's curious, "Is it because it's Robert's home? Don't be shy, you can invite people over" he reassures you.

"No, no, I know I can invite people over" you shake your head.

"What's the problem then? Is it me?" he sounds much sadder.

"No, dad, it's not you" you touch his arm, knowing that some physical touch will calm him down, "it's just that..." you make a pause, "there are some things about him that you don't know and you might not like them when you find out about them" a hint of stress in your voice.

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