Pleasure and Pain

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Welcome back to the third part of Quinn's story.

⚠️ I'm going to put a trigger warning on this as there is some implied Non Con. If you are triggered by that or it makes you uncomfortable then please wait for the next chapter. Thanks 🖤 ⚠️

Quinn spun around and snarled at Andras when suddenly they weren't in the chapel anymore and Air had gone from his sight. The fallen-angel-turned-demon opened his mouth as if to speak but he didn't get that far. His eyes rolled back and he passed out cold, dropping to the floor.

Quinn reacted quickly, but didn't manage to keep hold of him. On instinct he'd gone to use his left arm to bear most of the weight and it was still very much weakened from his injury. Andras ended up on the floor, but at least there wasn't too much of an impact as Quinn had slowed his fall.

Andras must have used what little strength he'd gained back from the few moments of rest he'd had to transport them here. Wherever here was. He'd done this to punish Air and Quinn whined when he thought about the look on the other ghoul's face just before they'd left. He concentrated on their bond but couldn't feel him at all. It didn't stretch this far, beyond the divide.

Quinn made sure that Andras was breathing and he stood up and looked around. He could sense that they were in Andras' realm but this was not his fortress. Quinn had never been here before and he could feel the thrum of strong cloaking magics surrounding them. This must have been one of the bolt holes that Andras sometimes used to disappear to.

"Fuck!" Quinn screamed.

He was so fucking angry at himself. Andras must have used the last of his strength when he was imprisoned to manipulate Quinn in the dream that he'd had. He'd woken up with the compulsion that he needed to summon Andras and there was nothing he could have done to fight it. It had seemed like the most important thing in the world to him at the time. He should have realised. He should have woken Air or his pack or Secondo and they could have stopped him. He was so weak when it came to Andras and it infuriated the hell out of him.

Quinn glared down at him. He was still unconscious, laying on his side on the packed earth. His injuries looked a little better now, the healing spell that Quinn had cast on him had boosted his weakened natural healing abilities. He was healing a lot slower than he usually would have, probably due to the contact with the divine metal of the chains he had worn, but it was fast enough. Within a couple of hours he would probably be back to half strength at least which was strong enough when compared to most other beings in the universe.

Quinn thought of Air again. The other ghoul would be frantic. Whenever Andras' name was mentioned Quinn would feel a spike of fear and anger from him. He understood why Air had reacted the way that he had just now, but he would have gotten himself killed if he'd tried to end Andras. Quinn couldn't have allowed that to happen. Andras had looked broken and weak and vulnerable, but when his life was at stake he wouldn't have held anything back. There was no way that Air would have managed to kill him so Quinn had found himself stepping between them and defending the object of Air's hatred. He felt like a bastard for it and he really hoped that he would get the chance to tell Air why he'd done what he did.

He looked around and saw a nest of furs in the corner so he sighed and went about dragging Andras' dead weight there instead of leaving him on the cold ground. There would be no sense in angering him further. He would be awake soon enough before Quinn was called back home, and his thinly veiled threat to Air weighed heavy on Quinn's mind.

"I think that maybe I will stake my claim now. Maybe I will teach you a lesson in who this seer really belongs to."

Quinn closed his eyes and took a deep breath to steady his nerves. Andras didn't make idle threats to anyone. Whatever he had in mind would not be good for he or for Air. He silently cursed Air for being so noble and for coming to try and help him. If only he'd just stayed asleep then this would probably be over and done with by now.

Essence of Quinn Parts 3 & 4: Papa IV Era & The Main Event - Fate Breaker (MxM)Where stories live. Discover now