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The second meeting between mother and kit went much more smoothly than the first. Calista, strong ghuleh that she was, kept her emotions more regulated. Amaya, although still standoffish, made polite, if slightly awkward, conversation.

The two of them seemed to get on well, but Quinn could feel Calista's underlying sadness at the situation, which meant that Amaya would be able to as well.

He and Air were sitting on the ground with their backs to the cabinets, watching over the two of them as they slept. Amaya had drifted off first, eyes gradually getting heavier and heavier until they'd closed completely and her breathing had evened out.

Calista, who was in the chair next to her bed, had watched her with a look of such aching longing that it had become painful after a little while. Eventually, though, her own exhaustion had taken her under and she had curled up on the seat, knees drawn up to her chin, face still tilted towards Amaya.

Air's hand rested on Quinn's thigh, and he gave it a gentle squeeze.

"We should sleep too. Even if it's just a nap. Fire is out in the corridor on watch, so we're safe," Air murmured close to his ear, quietly enough that his voice wouldn't carry any further.

Quinn had his arm around him, and he pulled him closer. Air knew that Quinn's protective instincts were going haywire at the moment.

"I don't think I can sleep. I don't think I can shut my brain down enough yet. I can't stop thinking about the ritual. About how rough it was on Itzal. About how we almost lost him for good. About everything that could go wrong."

Air nuzzled into his throat and kissed it softly.

"Don't think like that. Amaya isn't thinking like that. She said she's seen the outcome, so the process is by the by. Everyone will be fine."

Quinn whined.

"I know that, but it doesn't change the fact that we are still going to lose her to Boreas. I know she will come and see us. She told me that, but it will be when he allows it, when he feels like it. I fucking hate that he's outcast me, disowned me, and yet still he has the final say about my happiness and my fucking life. Don't even get me started about Agrat. Amaya saw that she'll be with her. And on paper, it makes complete sense that she would be her mentor. I don't fucking trust her, though. After what Madame Bucur said about her all those years ago? This whole thing is giving me a bad feeling."

Air sighed wearily.

"I will speak with him. We already have Grammie on our side. She ripped him a new one when she found out he'd banished you. She's been working on him ever since, and when Grammie Ayla wants something, she gets it." Quinn glanced down at him, sceptical. "Don't you worry. When she finds out about all this, she will get him to relax his banishment. I guarantee it."

Air fell asleep not too long after that, face buried in the crook of Quinn's neck, lips against his skin.

Quinn couldn't sleep though, as much as he tried to clear his mind. The best he could do was just be still and try to calm himself. He tried to tell himself that he should savour this, being in a room with three of the beings that mattered to him the most in all of the universe; all of them healthy, all of them together.

Then the doubts would creep in. This could be the only time they'd ever be like this. If something happened to Amaya, or if Boreas decided she could not come back here, this would never happen again.

Quinn looked between Calista and Amaya, making note of their similarities. She favoured him looks wise mostly, but Calista was there too. Her build, her eyes and her beauty all came from the water ghuleh.

Essence of Quinn Parts 3 & 4: Papa IV Era & The Main Event - Fate Breaker (MxM)Where stories live. Discover now