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They spent the night curled up around each other on the furs, blankets wrapped around them, skin to skin. Calista slept soundly between Quinn and Air, not stirring for the rest of the dark hours.

Quinn took cat naps but he didn’t let himself fully relax until the dawn broke. Air was awake by then and he reached over, stroking gentle fingers through his hair.

“You okay, sweet?” he murmured softly. Quinn nodded and offered him a half smile. Air frowned, realising he was tired. “Could you not sleep?”

“I slept a little,” he whispered.

Air pursed his lips.

“I wish you wouldn’t do this. We’re safe here, the wards would tell us if anything breached the perimeter.”

“Old habits die hard,” he shrugged. Calista stretched and her eyes opened to meet his. “Hi,” he murmured.

“Good morning,” she said sleepily.

Air propped himself up on his elbow and kissed her cheek.

“Want to come and find that water hole with me?” Air said.

Calista’s eyes lit up.

“Yes! I would love a wake up swim. I always used to go before breakfast at home. Before,” she added sadly.

Air sat up and climbed to his feet, offering his hand to her.

“Come on then, it feels like it’s warm out there already so it’ll be nice.”

Calista took his hand and stood gracefully, looking down at Quinn who had pulled the blankets up under his chin.

“Are you getting up?” she asked him.

He smirked.

“Swimming isn’t my thing. I think I’ll sleep a little longer.”

She looked disappointed but Air shrugged.

“Leave him be, he didn’t sleep too well.”

She looked concerned but Quinn smiled at her.

“It’s fine, a couple of hours and I’ll be good. I’ll come and find you.”

“Okay, rest and relax then,” she said, waving.

They threw their clothes on, grabbed a quick coffee and left, chattering excitedly about how amazing the place Air was taking her to was.

Quinn closed his eyes and tried to get some rest but as soon as they were far enough away that he couldn’t hear them anymore, the vision hit. He cursed, squeezing his eyes further closed. Fucking hell! There wasn’t even anything useful, just blurry images interspersed with the feeling of magic and malevolence. Helpless panic and the feeling of losing one of their own.

He sat up and opened his eyes, realising that his nose was bleeding. Fucking curse. He climbed to his feet and grabbed a towel to clean it. He poured some water from the fridge, downing three cups before he felt like he’d had enough. He debated just going to find Air and Calista but figured he would try again to sleep, he was tired and they’d be leaving later that afternoon so he should rest for a little while. Hopefully the vision would be a one off.

Air shook him awake what felt like hours later and his head was killing him.


He knelt down beside him, hands cupping his cheeks.

“Hmm?” was all that he managed.

“Fuck, what’s wrong?”

Quinn blinked and managed to sit up, rubbing his eyes.

Essence of Quinn Parts 3 & 4: Papa IV Era & The Main Event - Fate Breaker (MxM)Where stories live. Discover now