Infernal Desires

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Air had taken the back stairs so that he didn’t have to run through the Abbey. Secondo would have lost his shit if two of his ghouls went careening through the main building, knocking over Siblings and scaring the general population of humans.

Quinn cursed how fucking agile Air was as he leapt gracefully over bannisters and down the flights of stairs leading to the outside door. He barely broke his stride. Quinn was pretty much at what his peak fitness could be right now, but even with that and on a bad day for Air, he wouldn’t even begin to be able to compete with him for speed and endurance.

He made it outside, finally, and saw Air sprinting off towards the woods. At least the trees would slow him down...

Who was he kidding? Nothing seemed to slow him down.

Quinn growled and picked up his pace. There were a few Siblings milling around but they didn’t seem too worried. It wasn’t exactly a rare occurrence to have ghouls running around the place, especially the younger ones. It amused Quinn to think that he was the oldest of them all now that Zephyr was gone and here he was, acting like a kit, chasing his mate through the woods.

This was one of the only things he was grateful to Andras for. Their bond had frozen him at the age he was when the fallen angel turned demon had branded him. Or at least drastically slowed down his ageing. He didn’t know exactly, but right now he was definitely glad that his body was not acting its true age.

He’d lost sight of Air fully and was relying on the other ghoul's scent to guide him. He led Quinn on a zigzagging path through the trees and then along the perimeter wall back towards the Abbey.

What the fuck? Usually he’d slow down and wait for Quinn somewhere, jump out at him, fight him a little bit before submitting. Not today apparently.

The hunt had brought all of Quinn’s ghoul instincts to the forefront and he was barely functioning on higher reasoning by the time he’d managed to track Air into the crypts below the main Abbey. He padded along the stone corridors, scenting the air and following the trail. It smelled like adrenaline, summer thunderstorms and lust.

Quinn stopped for a second, closing his eyes and shivering as the scent became stronger. Another scent registered also, it was faint and it wasn’t a threat so he stored it at the back of his mind for now; marijuana.

He continued, jogging lightly, going deeper into the darkness in the bowels of the Abbey. A glint of purple light up ahead made him rumble out a growl and he bared his fangs in a savage grin.

Air was waiting for him in the chamber at the end of the corridor. It was pitch black but ghoul eyes had no problems in the darkness. Quinn approached slowly, breathing heavily from the run. He stopped in the doorway and tilted his head.

Air’s eyes glowed brighter and he took a couple of steps backwards, ass hitting the huge stone tomb of some long forgotten member of the Clergy.

“What took you so long, old man?” he said snarkily.

Quinn snarled and lunged for him but he danced out of the way, spinning just out of his reach. Air moved to the other side of the tomb so that it stood between them.

“I told you that you would regret that before the day is done, little one,” Quinn said, speaking in Infernal.

On occasion he would revert to that language when he was feeling particularly feral. It felt right when he was feeling that way and it never failed to make Air sit up and take notice. Sure enough, the other ghoul shivered. Air mostly understood it but he paused for a moment while he translated. He answered him back in Ghoulish.

“What are you waiting for?” he snarled. “Make me regret it.”

He backed up towards the far wall of the crypt and Quinn stalked towards him. His heart had slowed now, breathing back to normal. He scented the air and growled low again at the heady mix of slick and Air’s anticipation at knowing what was coming. His only focus now was getting his mate underneath him and the mood Air was in, it was going to be bloody on both sides.

Essence of Quinn Parts 3 & 4: Papa IV Era & The Main Event - Fate Breaker (MxM)Where stories live. Discover now