What's in a Name?

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It's exactly a year today since I posted the first chapter of this story, so I guess, technically, it's Quinn's birthday 🥳
I planned to do a special birthday chapter but I've been stupidly busy this week so running behind. Next chapter will be birthday fluff, but this one is pretty much all about Mean Air 🖤🔥

Quinn shifted position, shoulders, back and legs aching. Air must have been gone for a good few hours now if the way Quinn was feeling was anything to go by.

He snarled when he heard a faint cry coming from the nearby woods, groaning when pure bliss filtered through the bond he shared with Air. His ears twitched, straining to hear the sounds that he knew were coming from his mate. Feral, moon called lust simmered through from the rest of the pack and he whined when his ghoul nature yanked at the mental chains, trying to break free and join them.

He needed to focus. He could get through this. When Air got back, it was going to be so fucking raw and savage. He just needed to be patient, which he realised wasn’t going to happen. He could feel himself becoming more and more riled up as time passed. He’d never really experienced this from the outside before, had always been involved in pack runs and too high on the savage nature of it to notice.

As predicted, his head had been too busy thinking about what was happening in the woods to even begin to worry about the bad memories brought on by his encounter with the witch.

Quinn tried to concentrate on his breathing, unable to shake off thoughts of the pack doing all kinds of things to his mate. He could still smell the remnants of slick and the seed Air had made sure to rub over his skin and he applauded the other ghoul for his ingenuity. It was having the desired affect on him, making him crave him and sending him into a near feral state.

Another particularly pained cry sounded out and Quinn growled, eyes burning. His muscles tensed and he had to fight the compulsion to go and seek the others out. He’d been told to stay here though. He needed to suffer for a while.

And suffer he was.

He glanced down and glared at himself, cock dripping in his worked up state with nothing he could do about it. Waves of carnal pleasure lashed at him from Air and he moaned when he thought about what he would look like when he came back, what he would smell like.

Quinn gritted his teeth and shivered, chill winter air from the open windows skimming across his exposed skin. It was almost welcome, it brought the heat he was feeling down a notch or two at least. He tried to tell himself that, anyway.

He concentrated on trying to pray for a while but Air’s words kept bouncing around in his head.

Sinful thoughts.

He closed his eyes and pictured what the Air ghoul might be doing right about now.

Pale skin marred by claw marks, eyes rolling back, head lolling as the pack indulged themselves.

Quinn didn’t even realise he was doing it until a sharp slap had him snapping his eyes open.

“What the fuck are you doing?” Air spat.

Quinn’s eyes met his and he whined, the quintessential magic that he’d been subconsciously using on himself shrinking away and leaving him cold and needy and aching.

Essence of Quinn Parts 3 & 4: Papa IV Era & The Main Event - Fate Breaker (MxM)Where stories live. Discover now