Make it Through Another Day

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Quinn stalked through the Abbey’s gardens, heading for the woods. The weather had taken a turn for the worse and he was being pelted by icy rain making the chill he already felt from the cold shower take root even deeper.

Once he was under the canopy of trees, the shelter protected him from the worst of it but he didn’t care by that point. He needed to hurt and this was just the beginning.

Quinn stopped in a small clearing and he waited for Earth, pacing back and forth. The nervous energy that fuelled him coursed through his blood and he used it to focus his thoughts.

He tried to forget the memory he’d just lived through again, tried his best, but it was still there, tainting his thoughts with its darkness.

A sound from the trees after a little while had him snapping his head towards it, eyes glowing and homing in on the large figure who stepped out from the shadows.

Earth’s eyes glowed with steady green flames and his brows were drawn together.

“It’s freezing, Quinn. Why don’t we go and spar at the gym instead?”

He knew that Earth understood where he was, and he knew that he was offering the gym for Quinn’s benefit. The cold weather didn’t bother him one bit. Earth ghouls were the hardiest ghouls and extreme temperatures didn’t affect them too much when they were in their element. They could easily adapt to their surroundings.

“No,” Quinn snarled. “The woods is fine.”

He tried not to let the fact that he was shivering show, but the tremor in his voice gave it away.

Earth rolled his eyes and lifted his wide shoulders, stretching out the muscles.

“So be it.”

He struck without warning, launching himself at Quinn and knocking him to the ground. They rolled around the forest floor, scrapping and snarling, fangs sinking into flesh, claws raking skin and fists connecting wherever they could find the room.

Earth caught Quinn’s temple with his elbow and he saw stars for a few heartbeats, eyes rolling back in his head.

He came aware to the taste of blood on his tongue and muscle memory saved him from yielding. He managed to shrug out of Earth’s hold and rolled away, climbing to his feet and baring his fangs.

Earth rose to his full height and blinked blood from his eyes. His eyebrow had split, his lip too. He grinned a feral grin, teeth red, eyes burning.

“Is that all you’ve got, seer? Where is that anger now? Where is that fire?”

Quinn roared and flew at him.

Again, they ended up scrapping in the fallen leaves and the mud.

Quinn couldn’t say when it happened, but that anger he’d felt died down. It had kept him going until now, the adrenaline giving him strength.

Earth sensed the weakness and he used it to his advantage, rolling them so that he was on top and Quinn was pinned underneath, face pressed into the Earth, arms wrenched behind him.

Usually he’d be spitting mad, usually he’d be struggling and cursing and fighting but he felt nothing. He felt numb.

The earth ghoul nipped the back of his shoulder and Quinn flinched. He closed his eyes, drinking down the feral, savage lust that spilled over from the other ghoul, the bitter sting of triumph.

Quinn gritted his teeth, feeling the hard length at his back, knowing that this was going to be a lesson in pain and he welcomed it. He needed it.

Essence of Quinn Parts 3 & 4: Papa IV Era & The Main Event - Fate Breaker (MxM)Where stories live. Discover now