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*Time jump*
Another two years have passed since the last chapter.

"Quinn! Air!" Earth shouted over the clash of blades in the gym.

The ghouls were training and Quinn was sparring with Air. He'd made a lot of progress in the years since his injury but his left side was still weaker than his right despite the intensive physiotherapy and the strength training he'd done. He was almost as capable now with his right hand as he had been with his left. It had been a necessity to use it and a long battle to overcome his dominant side. His progress had been painstakingly slow but he was pretty much back up to standard now.

It helped that he sparred with Air who was leaps and bounds ahead of what he could be anyway. He didn't hold back and it had helped to improve Quinn's skills no end.

Quinn snagged a bottle of water from the fridge at the edge of the gym and took a long drink as Earth approached them.

"What is it?" he said sharply.

He'd actually been enjoying himself just then. The ether had been tormenting him for the last few days and the last couple of hours focusing on this had taken his mind off of it. Something was brewing and Quinn had a feeling that this interruption would be the start of it.

"Secondo wants to see you both. You'd best get cleaned up first though, I think you're going on a little trip," he said with that smug smile that probably meant this would be a work trip rather than a play trip.

Air hadn't picked up on that little nugget though.

"Ooh! A trip? Sounds fun."

Earth shook his head and began to walk away.

"I'll tell him you're on your way. No fucking in the shower though! Secondo is waiting." Quinn threw his empty water bottle at the annoying earth ghoul and satisfyingly it hit dead centre at the back of his head. He spun around and snarled. "I'll pay you back for that later," he said, pointing a claw at them both.

Air was sniggering but Earth let it go, turned and left. The snigger turned into a full on laugh and Air grabbed Quinn around his waist, pulling him in for a kiss. He nibbled Quinn's bottom lip and smiled.

"You heard him just say fucking then, right? He never mentioned any other kinds of activities that we couldn't do in the shower."

Quinn shrugged.

"Semantics. I think we should do as he says this time though, I think this is important."

Air touched the back of his hand to Quinn's forehead.

"Are you feeling okay? Because that didn't sound like you at all."

Quinn laughed and then sighed, stepping away.

"Come on, are you not curious to see what he wants?"

Air rolled his eyes.

"Well, obviously," he snorted.

Fifteen minutes later they were standing in front of the desk in Secondo's office waiting to hear what he had to say.

"Boreas has requested your presence. Both of you," Secondo said.

Quinn and Air glanced at each other uneasily. Boreas was the Prime Ghoul back in their Hell dimension. He also happened to be Air's older brother.

"Is everyone at home okay?" Air asked and Quinn felt the spike of worry from him.

"Si, I'm sorry Air, I should have led with there is nothing for you to worry about. Your family are all fine as far as I'm aware."

"Thank Satanas," Air whispered.

Essence of Quinn Parts 3 & 4: Papa IV Era & The Main Event - Fate Breaker (MxM)Where stories live. Discover now