Friends In Low Places

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“Shit, Quinn. What the hell happened?” Fire asked as Quinn walked through the door to the lair. 

Quinn huffed a sarcastic laugh. 

“Rain happened.” 

Fire snorted, but when Quinn didn’t join him, he frowned. 


Quinn gave him the side-eye. He could feel the eyelid was puffy already. 

“Yes, fuuuuck. I need a fucking drink,” he snarled. 

Fire had been heading out, most likely to the gym if his outfit and the water bottle he carried were anything to go by. He pointed to the kitchen. 

“Get a drink, sit down, and I’ll patch you up. Want me to call Omega?”  

Quinn shook his head. 

“It’s okay. I’m going to the apothecary later to get supplies, so I’ll ask Helena or Seren to cast a healing spell. That little shit is way stronger than he looks.” 

Quinn grabbed a bottle of vodka from the cabinet, and Fire got the first aid kit and set it on the table. 

“So the secret’s out now?” Fire asked as he cleaned up Quinn’s cuts and treated what he could. 

“Yup. Fun times ahead.” 

Fire chuckled. 

“I think it’ll be worse for you when the others find out Rain beat you up.” 

“I gave him a free pass,” Quinn gritted out. 

“Well, at least you don’t have to worry about bumping into him when Amaya’s here now. Silver lining,” Fire said, shrugging. 

“Always the fucking optimist, Wildfire,” Quinn grumbled. 

Fire finished up, and Quinn downed a few swigs of vodka. It made him feel a little better, but he wasn’t about to get himself drunk. When Fire had gone, Quinn went to his apothecary to make a list of the things he was running low on, and he headed to the wing where the witches worked to stock up. 

Sure enough, Helena was there, working on something by the stove. She had a similar reaction to Fire when she noticed him, and Quinn scowled at her. 

“Don’t fucking bother,” he growled before she even opened her mouth. “Could you cast a healing spell for me? My head is fucking killing.” 

Helena smirked and made him sit at the huge oak table that took up most of the centre of the room. 

“Someone’s tetchy today,” she said, rolling her eyes. “I guess if you’re bitching, then you’re fine. Has Air seen this yet?” 

Quinn shook his head. 

“No. I figured I should get it healed a little first. So I’d be grateful if you could, you know, help me out. Please.” 

Helena quirked a brow at him.  

“Wow. Sure. No probs. I’ll make you pretty again in no time.” 

Quinn huffed a laugh and Helena got to work. 

When she was done, she handed him one of the healing teas she'd been tweaking. Quinn took a sip and screwed up his face. 

“Ugh. What did you put in this one? Copia’s socks?” 

Helena cackled and smacked his shoulder. 

“Just drink it. It’ll work quickly and you’ll be back to your amiable self in no time.” 

Quinn admitted his cuts and bruises felt better already. They hadn’t been too bad, but they looked a lot worse than they actually were. If Quinn turned up for his shift tomorrow looking like he’d lost a twelve round prize-fight on his day off, Secondo would be pissed. 

Essence of Quinn Parts 3 & 4: Papa IV Era & The Main Event - Fate Breaker (MxM)Where stories live. Discover now