The Best Laid Plans

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Alpha sat on the edge of the bed in one of the examination rooms at the infirmary. His face was a mess and he glared at his lap, stewing in anguish.

Secondo, Earth and Itzal had questioned Sister Josefina and then come back to find out what Alpha knew. The bigger picture was slowly piecing itself together and it was not pretty.

Sister Josefina had been planted at the Abbey by Santos months ago before Itzal even escaped, to gather general information on the Clergy. Since Itzal had arrived, she’d set her sights on Alpha and gone about seducing him and then more recently drugging him with the truth serum to gather information about Sunshine.

Until Itzal had arrived at the Abbey, Alpha and Sunshine had been relatively close. He had clearly been trying to build a relationship with her and persuade her that they could be something more than friends, but as far as Quinn could tell, Sunshine had friend zoned him from the get go.

Alpha had explained that she had confided in him about the issues she was having with Papa. The summoning bond that he and her shared was not as fully formed as it should have been and it flickered in and out from time to time. It was not a well known fact, but the witches, Secondo and his ghouls knew about it and had been trying to find a solution to strengthen it.

Alpha had been sworn to secrecy by Sunshine, but Sister Josefina’s potion had sent all loyalty and discretion out the window.

Ordinarily, this information wouldn’t have been such a big deal for an outsider to know, but with Santos’ history with ghouls, what he possibly might want to achieve by taking Sunshine had become apparent. With the magic and the tools at his disposal, it was well within the realms of possibility that he could exploit the weakness in her Clergy bond to break it and attempt to bond her to himself, thus replacing the slave that he'd lost when Itzal was set free.

Quinn had realised it first, followed immediately by Secondo and finally Itzal. Before any of them could stop him, Itzal had launched himself at Alpha and laid into him. The fire ghoul had been so riddled with guilt and self blame that he’d sat back and taken the beating, letting Itzal take out his fury and his frustration on his face.

Earth and Quinn had dragged Alpha to the infirmary whilst Omega and Secondo had dealt with the emotional fallout back at his study.

“Your eye socket is fractured and your nose is broken,” Quinn said after an initial assessment using his quintessential magic. Alpha grunted but kept his head down. “I can set it off healing but it’s going to be painful for a few days.”

Alpha glanced up at him. The worst eye was swollen shut and the skin on the bridge of his nose had split. One of his fangs was loose but Quinn didn’t think he’d lose it. He had various other cuts and bruises and swellings around his head and face, but he didn’t seem too bothered about them. One of the human Sisters was tending to the cuts and he winced every time she cleaned one.

“I deserved it. It’s my fault. I was taken in by that bitch. Everything that’s happening right now is my fault. Sunny will never forgive me for this, if she even comes out of it alive,” he whispered.

Quinn sent him some mojo as Alpha broke down. He sighed and sat on the bed next to him, placing an arm around his shoulders.

“Alpha, she drugged you. You weren’t to know. There was nothing you could have done.”

Alpha leaned into him and sobbed for a while, giving in to his misery. He eventually sniffed and breathed a deep, shaky breath.

“I just wanted to try and forget her. Josefina was sweet and she’s super hot and we had a great time together and I just...” He took another shaky breath and blew it out. “I just wanted to try and distract myself. I see Itzal and Sunny together every fucking day and it makes me so fucking angry. I thought if I could just try and find someone else then I wouldn't have to think about her anymore.”

Essence of Quinn Parts 3 & 4: Papa IV Era & The Main Event - Fate Breaker (MxM)Where stories live. Discover now