If You Love Somebody, Set Them Free

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An inferno of flames.  

The smoke is so thick it chokes. It blocks out the light and suffocates them all.  

Every shallow breath burns.  

The air is so hot that it’s agony to be there.  

The scent of burning flesh.  




Searing pain. 

So much fucking pain. 


Quinn sucked in a lungful of air, eyes wide and hands gripping his throat. 

The familiar feeling of blood gushing from his nose finally grounded him in the here and now, making him realise where he was. Making him grateful that he was not in that other place. That future place. 

He was so fucking sick of this now. The fucking flames again! 

Fuck! Quinn!”  

Air was there as soon as he came out of it, as usual, dealing with it. Quinn snatched the wad of cloth that he’d shoved under his nose and batted his worried hands away. 

“I’m fine,” he snarled.  

The present slammed into him with what felt like physical force, and he launched himself towards the circle of blood; the holding circle where Amaya was clumsily climbing to her feet. 

Quinn didn’t even hesitate. He gracefully stepped over the painted lines and symbols, taking care not to disturb them, and he went to her.  

As soon as he got near, he felt them on her. He snarled, barely able to contain his rage. He scented the ether and sensed those three fucking bitches. 

Amaya wrapped trembling arms around herself, wild, unblinking eyes darting around the room, from face to face, wall to wall; until they landed on Quinn. They flashed with iridescent fire and another emotion...  

Anger? Fear?  

Quinn frowned, confused. 

Amaya bared her fangs and took a couple of steps away from him. Quinn sent her calming magic and held up his hands so that she could see them. She was confused, disoriented. 

“It’s me, little one. It’s Quinn...” he murmured, keeping his eyes trained on hers.  

She yelped when her back hit the magic at the edge of the circle and it seemed to snap her out of it. She blinked and shook her head, eyes moving all around again, but she seemed to take everything in this time.  

Quinn took another step towards her, and she crumbled, shoulders sagging and knees giving out. He made a grab for her and caught her before she reached the ground, gathering her up in his arms and holding her close.  

Amaya gripped onto his shirt in the same place she had earlier when she’d tried to cling to him as her soul left her body. Death had snatched her away from them, but they’d snatched her right back. 

“I’m sorry,” she whispered against his chest. “I didn’t know. I didn’t realise it was you. I thought... They...” 

She growled and the damn broke, wracking sobs making her whole body convulse. Quinn slowly knelt, bringing her down with him. He pressed a kiss to her hair and stroked the pale strands. He couldn’t even imagine what she’d just been through, and if the Fates were involved, then no good would come of it. She was back with them now, though; albeit briefly. Quinn tried his best to ignore that little fact and stay in the here and now with her. 

Essence of Quinn Parts 3 & 4: Papa IV Era & The Main Event - Fate Breaker (MxM)Where stories live. Discover now