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They set out well before dawn to hunt and spent most of the morning in the outdoors, running through the forest, hiking and just spending some quality time together without having to worry about anything else.

Living in the moment was all well and good, but all too soon it was time to head home again.

“You ready to go back?” Air asked as they strolled back to the cabin, bellies full of meat that they’d caught. Quinn hummed and Air chuckled. “Me either.”

They cleaned up in the outdoor shower, packed up and left.

Quinn checked his messages on the drive home and there were several updates on the Itzal situation. Earth said he would post little updates on their group chat to keep them in the loop while they were gone and he had. Quinn read them out to Air as he drove.

A ritual had been performed the previous evening to change the inscription on Itzal’s collar in the hope that it would block out any more attempts by his master to call him back. It seemed to have worked for now but Quinn was dubious. The magic in those things was old and it was powerful and he doubted that it would be that easy to break the connection. If it gave the young ghoul some respite though, then that could only be a good thing.

It was dark when they made it back to the lair and they were both weary. Zoe and Earth were in the kitchen and of course Earth got straight to the point.

“You back with us now?” he grunted by way of a greeting.

Quinn scowled at him but nodded.

“I am.”

Air took his hand.

“You hungry?” Zoe asked before she caught herself. “Who am I kidding? Of course you are,” she said, rolling her eyes at Air.

He grinned at her.


“Go and dump your stuff and we’ll make you something to eat.”

They obeyed and by the time they made it back to the kitchen Earth was plating it up. Quinn knew what it was as soon as he smelled it and he managed to suppress his laughter. Air didn’t even try though. He slid his eyes to Quinn and cracked up which managed to set him off too.

Earth looked between them, confused.

“What?” he said.

Quinn and Air had agreed on a safe word on the hike up to the cabin. Quinn had randomly picked one of his favourite foods - French toast; the dish that Earth had just served them.

“Nothing,” Air said between snorts.

Earth narrowed his eyes and Zoe looked confused also.

“This is some sex thing, isn’t it? It’s always a sex thing with you two.”

Zoe laughed and smacked him on the arm but Quinn managed to compose himself first.

“I didn’t fancy French toast while we were away, but now? Total slut for it.”

Air howled and Earth turned away, choosing to ignore them rather than delving any further into it. Zoe shrugged and Quinn grinned at her, taking a bite.

Earth and Zoe made to leave but the big earth ghoul paused in the doorway.

“Good to have you back,” he said as he turned to Quinn. Quinn offered him a small smile and nodded. “Nice haircut by the way. Is that a sex thing too?” Earth called out over his shoulder as he disappeared down the corridor.

"Fuck off, Earth," Quinn snarled after him.

Air cackled.

“We should probably neaten that up, shouldn’t we?” he said.

Essence of Quinn Parts 3 & 4: Papa IV Era & The Main Event - Fate Breaker (MxM)Where stories live. Discover now