Quinn Logic

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“We need to talk about this.”

Quinn shivered at the raspy, sleep-roughened voice next to his ear. Air pulled him closer and kissed his neck. He’d been awake for a while, his mind wandering, and he hadn’t noticed that Air had woken up also. Calista slept soundly at his front, face snuggled into his chest.

“About what?” Quinn whispered.

“About last night. About why the vision affected you that way. The last time that happened was when you were at death’s door.”

Quinn sighed and carefully rolled onto his back, mindful of not disturbing Calista. She stirred but didn’t wake.

“You know it happens sometimes.”

He turned to face Air who was frowning.

“It shouldn’t though. Have you never thought about trying to get rid of the visions? Seriously thought?”

Quinn snorted.

“What? Are you serious? How the fuck am I supposed to do that? I dream of being normal, of not having my brain invaded every fucking day, of not carrying the responsibility of it.”

Air growled.

“Don’t be all snarky. I know that. But have you ever actually tried?”

“Tried to get rid of the visions?”

He thought about it. He’d daydreamed and wished to be like every other ghoul as far back as he remembered. Impressions of his sire surfaced from his long forgotten memories. He remembered desperately trying to act as normal as he could so that maybe he’d be accepted and his sire would treat him the same way he did Quinn’s siblings; with love and with respect.

Maybe if he’d hidden his true nature then his sire would have looked at him with something other than disgust and bitterness.

But he realised that no, he’d never actually tried.

He snarled and sat up, feeling guilty when the movement woke Calista up. She stretched and made a sleepy groaning noise.

Air smacked his arm in annoyance and he glared down at him.

“Maybe there is a way to do it. Would you? If you had the choice?” Air said.

Quinn huffed a laugh.

“Without a second thought.”

Would he though?

“Why don’t we look into it?” Air said thoughtfully.

“Look into what?” Calista asked, sitting up also. “How are you feeling?” she said to Quinn, stroking fingers through his hair.

He shrugged.

“Okay. Thanks. Tired.”

She offered him a sympathetic look.

“We were just talking about the visions and how to get rid of them,” Air said to her.

“It isn’t possible, Air. Just get it out of your head,” Quinn snarled, getting annoyed with this line of conversation now. “Thinking about it is just a waste of energy. The ether is just a part of me and there’s no way out of it. I’ve put up with it for this long. It won’t let me go.”

Air had got him thinking though. Maybe there was a way out of it? Although how was completely beyond him. Surely if it was possible then every seer would be doing it. He couldn’t bring himself to believe that there were seers out there who actually embraced their visions. They truly were a curse.

Essence of Quinn Parts 3 & 4: Papa IV Era & The Main Event - Fate Breaker (MxM)Where stories live. Discover now