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The ghouls were called back to the basement around an hour before dawn.

Quinn sensed Itzal and Sunshine in one of the bathrooms and he heard the shower running. He could feel the numb shock from the young ghoul but there was comfort there also. Sunshine’s love for him and her protectiveness was like a warm blanket and in that moment, the multi ghuleh went even further up in Quinn’s estimation for the way she'd handled this and handled Itzal.

Phenex was waiting in the corridor and he offered them a warm smile as they passed.

Secondo, Earth, Seren and Helena were just leaving the cell, having completed the ritual to transfer some of Santos’ magics to Secondo. Quinn noticed the hum of power around him and he had a satisfied gleam in his eyes.

“How is Itzal?” Water asked.

“He is as can be expected. He did well. I’m giving you all the rest of the weekend off to rest and recover once you have cleaned up in there.” He gestured towards the cell. “I think that we all deserve a little break after the past few weeks. I will arrange with Primo and Terzo to have their ghouls cover security for the next three days. Report back to me on Tuesday, si?”

The ghouls all thanked him and the four of them left the cell block.

Quinn was the first to enter the now unlocked cell and his nose wrinkled at the smell of bodily fluids. Santos’ body hung from the chains at his wrists and his front was covered in blood. He guessed that it was from what was left of his throat. It looked as though Itzal had ripped it open with his bare claws and Quinn felt his eyes glowing. He looked at the others who were having similar reactions.

“Nice job, Itzal,” Quinn murmured as he approached the wall to inspect the body.

Air made a gagging sound and Quinn snapped his eyes to him.

“What the fuck is that?” 

He pointed to something bloody on the ground and Fire laughed when he realised what it was.

“Oh, Itzal did a really good job,” Fire said.

Eeewww!” Air said, picking up the ceremonial blade that had been discarded onto the floor and nudging the offending piece of flesh with it. “Please tell me that isn’t what I think it is.”

Quinn realised what it probably was and he glanced back at the body of Santos. Sure enough, he was missing his balls. Quinn cackled.

“Oh it is what you think it is, Air. Looks like Itzal and Sunny had a lot of fun.” Air used the blade to pick them up and held it at arm’s length, walking towards Quinn. He made exaggerated gagging noises the whole time and the others laughed. Air dropped them on the floor at Santos’ feet and stepped back, swiping the blade through the air a few times. “Are you doing the honours, Air?” Quinn asked him.

Air grinned and nodded, purple fire burning in his eyes.

“It would be my pleasure,” he growled.

They stood back and Air took his place in front of Santos, changed his stance and swung the blade.

Santos’ head rolled from his shoulders and bounced along the floor.

“Nice swing, Air,” Fire said with a smile in his voice.

“Thanks,” Air said, walking over to pick up the severed head by the hair. He held it up to them and grinned. “Adios, Santos.”

He moved to the back of the cell and Fire and Quinn collected the metal collar from the base of his neck and unlocked the metal chains from Santos’ ankles and wrists. They let the body fall to the floor and Quinn spat on it for good measure.

Essence of Quinn Parts 3 & 4: Papa IV Era & The Main Event - Fate Breaker (MxM)Where stories live. Discover now