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Quinn grabbed Santos’ hair and dragged his face level with his. The battered Satanic preacher’s eyes fluttered behind his closed and bruised lids and he made a groaning sound.

Quinn slapped his previously slashed cheek sharply and those eyes snapped open, meeting his with confusion at the sudden sting of pain. His irises were dark brown, almost black in appearance, so dark that it was hard to tell when his pupils were blown. They were though. The lighting here was dim and the momentary fear that Santos felt every time he came aware again, naked and chained to the dungeon wall, made sure of it. That fear was always swiftly hidden by a cocky self sureness, but the initial bite of it was always something to savour.

“Secondo was talking to you, Santos,” Quinn snarled. “Wake the fuck up.”

Santos’ eyes were drifting closed again, his head lolling in Quinn’s hold. He was exhausted and badly wounded from the torment that had been dished out over the last week or more and the punishments were taking their toll on him little by little despite his being healed frequently by Quinn.

A shaky breath left his lungs and his eyes closed the rest of the way. Quinn reached down and squeezed his balls, hard, using some claw to accentuate his point.

Would you look at that - those calculating eyes were wide open once again.

Santos sucked in a harsh breath and Quinn chuckled.

“Enough,” Secondo snapped. “Leave him. We will pay a visit to the witch and let him sleep it off for a while before we continue.” Quinn’s head whipped around and he growled, eyes glowing blue in the dim light of the cell. Secondo quirked a brow at him and stood. “It’s the full moon, it’s just me and you today,” he stated simply.

They’d made an agreement that Quinn would not deal with the witch during her interrogation. His history with black witches meant that he’d specifically requested not to be involved. He didn’t know if he trusted himself not to go too far. Secondo must have had more faith than he had in himself though.

It was the day of the full moon and the ghouls were more aggressive and more tetchy because of it. Secondo had sent the others away to rest for the day and catch up on some basic tasks. Quinn though, Quinn was the only ghoul he would allow to be with the prisoners on a full moon. During the interrogations he had the most methodical and controlled temperament. When he had to, he could hold his temper in check, even during the full moon if Secondo required it of him.

Quinn opened his mouth to protest but Secondo turned and left the cell without another word, leaving Quinn to trail behind him and catch him up. He’d stopped in the hallway to wait and he gave him a sympathetic smile.

Quinn scowled at him.

“Secondo, I...”

Secondo talked over him.

“I know that you do not want to deal with her, but I trust you. We will stay for a little while and then take the rest of the day off, si? Something that Santos said is tickling my brain and I need her to confirm it.”

“Secondo, you know what happened with the witches who...” Pain stabbed at his heart and he didn’t complete the sentence. With the witches who murdered his family, was what he would have said. “With the witches I had to deal with. They are all the same. I don’t know how much restraint I can show.”

Secondo reached into his pocket and pulled out a small vial of liquid.

“You do not need to show restraint today, Quinn.” He shook the vial from side to side slowly. “I brought the serum that she made to use on Alpha. Hopefully she won’t need too much prompting to speak to us and I can pick up her thoughts as well. It shouldn’t take too long and then we can leave.”

Essence of Quinn Parts 3 & 4: Papa IV Era & The Main Event - Fate Breaker (MxM)Where stories live. Discover now