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Quinn made his way back to the lair to clean up. He and Calista had spent the night curled up together in her room. They’d talked about Aalto and her kits and Quinn had told her a few things about his life with Ashtoreth and their twins.

He didn’t talk about them too often anymore. When Zephyr was alive they’d had many conversations about them, and he did mention odd things to Air every now and then but Calista was different. She understood because she’d lost a mate and two kits of her own. There were things that he didn’t need to say out loud for her to understand and the words just seemed to come easier.

They’d talked about their missing kit also. Boreas hadn't given up looking for her and although he and Quinn didn’t have the best relationship, he respected the Prime Ghoul's dogged determination in trying to find her. So far there had been no new progress though.

Quinn had eaten a breakfast made by Sister Angelina and then he'd left them to it. Calista had told him that she was going to fill Angelina in on what had happened. He was glad because he knew that the human would do everything she could to help her and to comfort her.

He'd barely made it back to his room when the vision took over his mind. It was clear this time. Those kinds of visions seemed to have eluded him lately.

It was Itzal, Santos and two witches, one red haired and one blonde. It made no sense to Quinn because he knew it was happening soon and that Itzal would still be at the Abbey, but in the vision he was not.

The shadow ghoul stood inside a holding circle. He was naked and he was spitting mad if the way he was glaring at Santos was anything to go by. Quinn noticed the deliberate scars that covered the young ghoul’s body and it made him livid to think about what had been done to him to gain them.

Santos was talking but Quinn couldn’t tell what he was saying. The scene flashed forwards and Itzal was on his knees. The inscription on the metal collar around his neck was glowing and it was burning his skin but the ghoul was not outwardly reacting at all. He just knelt there, staring up at Santos as his flesh cooked.

His emotions though, his emotions were going wild. He was panicking from the pain and from whatever the magic was doing to him. The ferocity of it took Quinn’s breath away.

He came out of it and blinked several times to clear his sight, swiping his wrist along his nose out of habit. Thankfully this time there was no blood there. Quinn took a few shallow breaths to calm his racing heart and he growled, turning around and heading to Secondo’s study. He wasn’t meant to be on duty until later but this seemed like it was something that Secondo needed to know about now.

He met Itzal and Sunshine on the way. They were leaving Secondo’s study. Quinn threw up his emotional shields instinctively. He didn’t have the energy to deal with Itzal’s fraught emotional state right now and he tried not to feel too bad about it. He’d have to get used to it though if he agreed to join their pack.

Quinn didn’t realise he was scowling at the other ghoul until he looked up and met his gaze. He noticed that the shadow ghoul smelled of magic and Quinn’s bad feeling from the vision intensified.

Sunshine gave him a wary smile and he managed to grunt some kind of a greeting at them as he passed. Sunshine’s smile turned to a frown but Quinn didn’t have time to stop and exchange pleasantries with them.

They carried on without a word, heading back into the main Abbey. Quinn knocked once and entered the study, not bothering to wait for an invitation.

Secondo was mid flow, talking to Omega and Seren. He stopped and looked up at Quinn.

“Is everything alright, Quinn?” he asked.

Quinn shut the door behind him and paced the floor. Omega and Seren watched him, waiting for his answer.

Essence of Quinn Parts 3 & 4: Papa IV Era & The Main Event - Fate Breaker (MxM)Where stories live. Discover now