Cold. Calm. Collected. Cruel.

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The pack, except for Water who was on duty, spent the rest of the night curled up together sleeping in the den. The previous night’s antics had exhausted them all so the rest and the downtime together was welcome.

They ate breakfast together the following morning before going off to perform the various tasks and duties that Secondo had set for them.

Quinn and Fire would be spending the day with Santos in the cells, gathering information the old fashioned way.

Air and Earth would be with Secondo and the witch, doing it Secondo’s way. He didn’t often call Air in for interrogations, but sometimes his powers of influence were extremely useful.

Quinn could feel Fire’s apprehension as they made their way along the corridor to the cell where Santos was being kept. Fire hated this side of their job, even though with his command of heat he was exceptionally skilled at it. Every day they’d been working together as a team with Santos, Quinn gave him a little pep talk to remind him just who they were dealing with.

“It won’t be much longer now, Fire,” he said as they walked, using his quintessence and their pack bond to send him reassurance.

Fire glanced sideways at him and huffed.

“I know,” he said gruffly.

“Itzal is going to be free of him and he can move on. He can become a proper member of our pack.”

That did it every time. Distracted him.

“He is a proper member of our pack. He has just been absent.”

“Exactly. Because of Santos. Because of what Santos did,” Quinn said.

They’d reached the cell now and Quinn used his blood to open it up.

Santos looked up at them through strands of greasy black hair, his eyes shining with hatred and malevolence.

Quinn grinned at him, sliding effortlessly into the part of the callous tormentor that Secondo required him to be.

“Where is Secondo?” Santos rasped.

He looked a lot better than the last time Quinn had seen him. The witches had cast healing spells before they’d given him a day or so to recover. They didn’t want him to die just yet.

Fire grabbed a bottle of water from the table in the corner. They’d left it in Santos’ line of vision purposefully. It was probably yesterday when someone had remembered to give him water, Quinn wasn’t sure, but there was a schedule to give him just enough to keep him alive. Water was the ghoul who'd been put in charge of it.

Fire grabbed him by the hair and pulled his head back, putting the open water bottle to his cracked and parched lips. Santos didn’t protest at first, he took grateful sips.

“Secondo is not going to be visiting you today. Fortunately for you, you have me and Fire to keep you company.” Santos glared at Quinn, done with the water now. “You are looking much better today, Santos,” Quinn said conversationally. “Much less... deathly.”

Santos bared his teeth and spat what little water was in his mouth towards him. It fell well short.

“Fuck you, ghoul!” he snarled.

Quinn snorted and rolled his head on his shoulders, stretching out the muscles.

He came to stand before Santos and looked him up and down.

“I’m sure that you would just love that,” he said, trailing a claw down Santos’ cheek over the almost healed claw marks that Sunshine had left there. “Of course, we all know that you are only interested in fucking ghouls who have no say in it. Those who cannot fight back. I bet it makes you feel like a big man, knowing that they would rather die than let you anywhere near them.”

Essence of Quinn Parts 3 & 4: Papa IV Era & The Main Event - Fate Breaker (MxM)Where stories live. Discover now