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The events in this chapter are consensual on both sides. Anyone who knows anything about Air will realise this.
Enjoy 🖤

The words seemed to snap Quinn out of whatever restraint he'd been using on himself. Air yelped when a hand closed firmly around his throat again and dragged him to his feet. He held onto Quinn's wrist, which earned him a snarl, making him drop his arms to his sides again.

His heart hammered and he kept his breathing shallow as Quinn bullied him backwards towards the bed, eyes never leaving his. Air didn't dare to look away, barely dared to breathe.

Quinn shoved him and he toppled backwards, breath leaving his lungs as his back hit the scrunched up sheets on the mattress. Air scuttled backwards, but within a heartbeat Quinn was on him again, grabbing at his pants and yanking them off him. He heard the material rip, but he didn't have time to worry about that because suddenly Quinn flipped him onto his belly. He pressed down on the nape of his neck with a firm hand and snaked an arm under his hips, lifting them up.

Quinn pressed Air's face down into the mattress and nudged his knees further apart, briefly coming to rest behind him. A low growl rumbled out of him and Air's insides clenched because he could feel how riled up Quinn was.

His body knew what was coming.

Fabric rustled as Quinn freed himself and settled in. Air sucked in a breath at the feel of flesh on flesh, so fucking beautiful.

Air whined, knowing that he wasn't quite prepared for this yet, but he offered himself up, nonetheless. It wouldn't be a problem soon enough, judging by the heat Quinn's rough treatment had ignited in his blood.

Why was he always such a fucking slut for this?

Air thanked the Dark Lord for small mercies when Quinn spat on his palm, but he barely had time to register the thought. The sting as his mate shoved his way into him brought tears to his eyes and made him cry out through gritted teeth. He clutched at the sheets that he'd balled up in his fists, gripping them on either side of his head. The pain from the sudden intrusion didn't take long to give way to pleasure. It still hurt, but it was the pain that Air often craved; sharp and dirty and glorious.

Quinn pulled out all the way and slammed his way back in. Air was hyper aware of every sensation, his focus narrowing on Quinn; what he was feeling, what he needed. Air felt every brutal inch of him, every rung of metal, and he yelped again, whimpering and whining with every snap of his hips.

In no time at all, Air was moaning and mewling and pawing at his mate. Desperate to please him, desperate to be overpowered, desperate to feel that sense of overwhelming dominance that only Quinn could wield over him.

Quinn's hand clamped over his nose and mouth, and he had gravel in his voice as he snarled Infernal into Air's ear.

"Shut the fuck up!"

Air tried. He really did. Tried his best to keep quiet, but the force that Quinn fucked him with had made him lose all sense of control. Control that he'd given up to his mate. He couldn't keep the needy sounds in. He was too far gone for that.

Quinn grabbed Air's hair and yanked his head, exposing his throat and sinking his fangs into it.

As the orgasm hit him, Air's eyes rolled back in his head and his scream was muffled. The pain and the feeling of being trapped and helpless and used were just too much, combining in sweet, sweet ecstasy.

Quinn dragged his tongue along his skin and the hot, laboured breath in his ear had Air whimpering against the flesh of Quinn's palm again.

"I told you to be fucking quiet!" Quinn growled, gripping Air's hair harder and causing delicious shocks of pain on his scalp.

Essence of Quinn Parts 3 & 4: Papa IV Era & The Main Event - Fate Breaker (MxM)Where stories live. Discover now