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The three of them talked for a while longer once Calista had let out all of her grief. Eventually sleep took them, even Quinn, although he was plagued by the usual bad dreams that he’d come to expect when his life became fraught with turmoil. It made for a restless few hours but he was used to it by now.

The pack had come good with food and Fire brought a selection for them all. The rest of them kept their distance though and didn’t join them in the den as they knew that Calista was still nervous of anyone except Quinn and Air.

Air gently encouraged her to try the various breakfast foods and Calista seemed to enjoy all of them, particularly the cereal. Quinn was satisfied that she’d eaten enough and he and Air finished up what was left over.

It was after lunchtime and Air was just back from the shower. He glanced through the window and looked outside.

“It's a gorgeous day out there, do you fancy a walk in the gardens?” he asked her. It was early springtime and the weather seemed warmer today than it had been for the past few days. Air glanced at Quinn and he seemed undecided whether he should continue. He sighed and went on. “We could maybe go and visit the cherry blossom orchard. You haven’t been for a while.”

Quinn frowned and Calista picked up on the change in mood. Air was right, he hadn’t been there since late summer last year. He and Zephyr would go there together to think about their lost mates and to talk about difficult things and they’d tend to the flowers and the trees. Since Zephyr had gone though, Quinn had fallen out of the habit. He only went there if he remembered or if he was having a particularly bad day. Primo and his ghouls had planted an oak tree in the centre of the avenue after Zephyr had died and it had been doing well the last time he visited it.

He sighed and nodded.

“Would you like that? It is very beautiful at this time of year,” he asked Calista

 She nodded.

“As long as you don’t mind? We don’t have to go there if you don’t want to.”

Air looked at him expectantly.

“We can go. Air is right, it has been too long.” He didn’t think that Calista was expecting him to explain but he found himself doing it anyway. “The cherry blossoms were planted for Zephyr’s mate Rosie who died. Then Primo planted some roses for my family.”

Air came and sat on the arm of the couch, putting an arm around Quinn’s shoulder. He felt Calista’s sadness when she realised the probable reason why they would be planting roses for his family.

“Oh, Quinn. What happened?” she whispered before she seemed to realise what she’d said. “I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to be so forward! It’s none of my business.”

Quinn glanced at Air who gave him a small smile. He took a deep breath and said the words that he barely ever said to anyone. It wasn’t anyone else’s business but he suddenly realised just how much he and Calista had in common and he felt like he needed to tell her.

“My family was taken from me. It was a long time ago now, centuries before I was summoned here. My mate Ashtoreth and our two kits.”

Calista took his hand and squeezed it. He hadn’t meant to cause her pain, but he felt it from her and realised it must have dredged up the feelings of losing her mate too.

“I’m so sorry,” she said softly. “So you are the same as me. You know what it is like.” Quinn nodded sadly. “I did not feel our bond breaking when Aalto was taken from me. I was unconscious and then I was with you so I did not realise he was gone until I came aware again. I knew as soon as I woke up in the room where they put me. It was agony and everything was just gone.”

Essence of Quinn Parts 3 & 4: Papa IV Era & The Main Event - Fate Breaker (MxM)Where stories live. Discover now