Welcome to Earth

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It took a few hours to finalise everything at the Abbey and for the contracts to be fast tracked. Before they knew it, Quinn and Air stood in the Council’s summoning room with Calista, Lyra, Boreas and his ghouls.

“The Clergy ghouls will go first and then we will wait for you to be summoned the old fashioned way,” Boreas said to Calista.

She smiled at him shyly and nodded.

Air put his arm around her shoulders and kissed her hair.

“It won’t take long. It will feel weird compared to last time but it won’t last. We will be there waiting for you so don’t worry,” he said.

Quinn could feel how nervous she was and he felt Lyra send her quintessence to reassure her. Air stepped away and stood with Quinn who was waiting in the circle. Lyra moved in and pulled Calista into a hug.

“Promise to come and visit me, yes? And we can commune soon, you need to tell me all about it,” the quintessence ghuleh said.

“I will,” Calista said and Quinn heard the waver in her voice.

He wished that she could come with them, but when a ghoul was being permanently summoned it had to be done differently to the usual travelling that they did. She had to do it alone.

The Council ghouls began the incantation and Quinn smiled at her.

“See you on the other side!” Air called as they disappeared and were sent back home to the Abbey.

They arrived in the Papa’s small chapel and Secondo, Councillor Shay, Papa, Seren and Angelina were waiting along with a handful of ghouls. Quinn and Air went to stand with Earth and Water.

“How did she take the news?” Earth asked, concern evident in his voice.

“It made the news of her loss that much easier to bear,” Quinn said.

Angelina glanced back at him and smiled. He could tell that she was nervous but he also felt her readiness to accept Calista and to care for her.

Once Secondo had finished amending the symbols painted onto the stone floor, he began the incantation. He would perform the first part of the summoning to get Calista here. She would be trapped inside the summoning circle until she was either bound or sent back to Hell. Secondo and Seren would then perform the binding spell, linking her to Sister Angelina and tethering her to the Earth for good.

It couldn’t come soon enough for Quinn, he’d hated to leave her even for a few moments when he and Air had been sent to protect her. Air shifted anxiously from foot to foot, eyes fixed on the circle, waiting for her to arrive. From the emotions Quinn read from him, he was thinking the same thing that he was.

The air inside the circle rippled and the hairs at the back of Quinn’s neck stood on end as the magic began to work. Secondo chanted the necessary words to pull Calista through the barrier between their worlds. The ripple surged and Quinn held his breath, his own eyes fixed on the spot where she would materialise.

In a flash of magic the water ghuleh appeared, falling to her knees and gasping for breath. It looked like it had been a rough summoning but she was here now. True to her strength she recovered quickly and stood, wide eyes searching the room until they came to rest on Quinn and Air. She gave them a tentative smile.

Secondo and Sister Angelina stepped forward and stood before her.

“Welcome to Earth, Calista. This is Sister Angelina, she will be your summoner if you agree to be bound to her,” Secondo said.

Calista’s eyes flicked to Angelina and she gave her a once over, breaking out into a smile when she must have liked what she saw.

“She is very beautiful,” she said quietly in Ghoulish.

Essence of Quinn Parts 3 & 4: Papa IV Era & The Main Event - Fate Breaker (MxM)Where stories live. Discover now