An Unexpected Gift

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Quinn was tired and so unbelievably grumpy. Air had kept him awake most of the night. Well, he wasn’t grumpy about that... But the day had started early and had been tedious from start to finish. It had been filled with meetings in the city and a luncheon at some swanky restaurant which was followed by more meetings.

He and Earth had been on bodyguard duty with Secondo. The meetings were the kind of financial ones that Secondo liked Quinn to attend because he usually had good insight. He didn’t fully understand human finances though, even after all of these years.

It took a lot of brain power for him to stay alert in the human world and Secondo was well aware of what it cost him. Thankfully, these kinds of things only usually happened a couple of times a year and Secondo always made sure that Quinn had a few days off afterwards to recover and recharge. He didn’t mind helping Secondo this way, it was his duty after all, but he was always glad when it was over.

By the time he made it back to the lair it was dark and he was about ready to drop. He thought he’d better call in to see Air first though before he spent a couple of blissful hours alone in his room, regrouping and trying to quiet his mind with some prayer and some meditation.

Tonight was the new moon and the ceremony to transfer power over the Clergy from Terzo to Cardinal Copia. A couple of hours of respite would have to do to make him ready for the evening of socialising. At least he wouldn’t be on duty he supposed.

Alas though, the relaxation wasn’t meant to be.

Quinn didn’t bother knocking on Air’s door; they lived in each others’ rooms, they always just walked right in on each other. The door swung open and the first thing that hit him was the unpleasant smell. He curled his lip in disgust.

What was that?

The second thing was the noises that were coming from the bathroom. Hisses and crashes and curses.

“Air? What the fuck is that smell? What are you doing?”

More crashes and sounds of struggling.

“Don’t come in here! I’m fine! I won’t be long!” Air’s frantic voice said.

Fuck that.

Quinn pulled the door open and froze at the scene he was met with.

Air was hunched over the bathtub, gripping something wet and black and smelly and very fucking angry. There was water all over the floor that had escaped from the tub and he was struggling to get whatever the fuck that was into it.

“Did you summon a baby demon by mistake?” he asked, leaning against the door jamb and watching him struggle.

Fuck!” Air cursed as it swiped his arm with its claws.

Quinn realised what it was. It was a cat. A very, very pissed off cat.

“Air, I don’t think cats like water.”

“No shit, Sherlock!” Air gritted out. “Are you gonna help me here or what?”

Quinn sighed wearily and entered the fray.

Between the two of them, they managed for Air to hold the cat and for Quinn to wash the cat. He managed to mostly avoid its tiny razor sharp claws and before too long it was wrapped in a towel and struggling to get out as Air cradled it to him like a baby.

“There you go little guy, you smell much better now. And uncle Quinn is here to check out your eye.”

“Girl,” Quinn corrected.

Air looked up at him, confused.


“It's a girl cat.”

“Oh. Makes sense. She is vicious. Isn’t she awesome?”

They went into the bedroom, Air still cradling the now furious bundle which was thankfully easier to handle now that it was cocooned in a towel.

“Awesome is not a word I would use to describe that. Not even close.” Quinn sighed and sat down heavily on the sofa. “Go on then, start from the start. And before you get attached to it, no, we can’t keep it.”

Air scowled at him and booped the cat’s nose. It spat at him, hatred gleaming from its narrowed yellow eyes.

“I was running and I spotted her hiding under a log. She was hurt and she wouldn’t come out. I got her some chicken from the kitchen and she must have been hungry enough to come and grab it from me. So I grabbed her and brought her back. I thought you could fix her.”

Fix her? I don’t think she needs fixing, I think she needs an exorcism.”

Air growled at him and covered the cat’s ears.

“Don’t listen to him! He’s a grumpy old meanie!”

“Fucking hell, Air, here...” Quinn got up and walked over, holding out his hands for Air to pass him the cat.

She started struggling again and Quinn noticed that she was indeed hurt. One of her eyes looked infected and was half closed. He sensed she was in pain with it and sighed again, sending her some quintessence to calm her down. She quieted instantly and seemed to relax in Air’s arms. He hadn't expected it to work on such a feral beast.

Quinn sat down on the bed next to him and carefully took her. She didn’t protest this time. He unwrapped her from the towel and placed her on his lap. She glared at him and he glared back.

He ran his thumbs gently over her face, sending healing energy to her eye. Air passed him a cloth to clean it with and within a few minutes the eye was looking normal.

“Huh,” Air said, “great job.”

“Yup. So now we can put her back outside and she can be on her way again. Back to wherever the fuck she came from.”

The cat stood up on his lap and stretched before walking in circles a few times and settling down.

“I vote we keep her,” Air said. “She’s purring. She likes you.”

Quinn scowled at the cat that seemed to be falling asleep on his lap.

“Well, I don’t like her, so...”

He went to get up but Air stopped him.

“Quinn! She’s sleeping! She needs to rest, she’s been traumatised!”

Quinn snorted.

“Yes, you fucking traumatised her by giving her a bath! She probably hates you now so she won’t want to stay.”

He hoped.

Air looked disappointed and glanced at her longingly and Quinn growled.

“Maybe she can just stay for a little while. It’s cold outside. She’s probably hungry, she’s too skinny, look,” Air said.

He pointed at her back, the spine was visible. Quinn studied her for a minute. She was pretty skinny.

“Maybe she can stay for a few days then. As long as the others don’t mind. She’s staying in your room though.”

Air grinned and kissed him. Quinn growled again.

“We need to name her. Something cute. Tinkerbell?”

Quinn choked a laugh.

“Does she look like a fucking Tinkerbell, Air? Look at her! She’s a lethal predator. She’s a tiny ball of angst. She’s evil incarnate. Actually, she reminds me of someone.”

“Who?” Air asked.

“Imperator,” Quinn snarled.

Air threw his head back and laughed a belly laugh.

“Oh fuck, that’s so fucking perfect! Imperator! Imp!”

Quinn grinned. It suited her.

“Imp it is then.”

Quinn was sure that the cat would be on its way as soon as it was feeling better but he was oh, so wrong. He didn't realise it just then, but he belonged to Imperator now. She'd already claimed him as hers.

Essence of Quinn Parts 3 & 4: Papa IV Era & The Main Event - Fate Breaker (MxM)Where stories live. Discover now