Devil's Advocate

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Quinn hadn’t intended to follow Air. He needed to get to Secondo’s to take over from Fire for guard duty, but he’d forgotten to let him know about the time change. Air wanted to do something, just the two of them later so he needed to tell him before he made any solid plans for dinner. He figured he could just jog back and let him know rather than texting. One more minute with his mate before he was on duty was always a good thing.

He knew that Air was headed for one of the log cabins on the Abbey’s land to do a job for Secondo so he’d backtracked when he remembered and had gone to find him.

What he hadn’t expected was to find Air and Swiss facing off just next to the path, anger rolling off the multi ghoul. Quinn had shut down his bond with Air as soon as he’d registered the angry voice. He hadn’t wanted to distract Air with his presence.

He stalked through the trees, keeping distance enough that the multi ghoul and the air ghoul wouldn’t sense him there. Swiss’ anger lashed at him but Air wasn’t worried. Quinn stopped by a grizzled old tree, kept to the shadows and watched with interest.

“...the fuck did you do to her? She was covered in your scent. You need to keep the fuck away from her. She’s been through enough without you and him taking advantage of her.” Air lifted his lips from his fangs in a snarl and that low, threatening growl that did things to Quinn rumbled out of him. “Don’t even get me started on him. I can’t believe Sister Angelina let her go with you two!”

“Have you lost your mind, multi?” Air said calmly, tilting his head, his purple eyes burning. “Do you know who I am?”

Swiss scowled.

“Don’t fucking give me that! We aren’t scared of him. We will do anything to protect Calista from you. She’s a part of our family now. She’s protected.”

He stepped forwards and pushed Air in the centre of his chest. Swiss was the same height as Air but built a bit stronger and Air took a step backwards. Quinn smirked. This should be fun. Ghouls underestimated Air all the time because of his gentle nature. They presumed that because he was with Quinn that he relied on him and his reputation for protection.

He wasn’t worried in the slightest for his mate’s safety. Air could more than look after himself. All of Secondo’s ghouls were deadly in their own right and Swiss must have lost his fucking mind if he’d forgotten it.

Quinn blinked and Swiss let out a startled yelp. In a heartbeat he was on the ground, face down beneath Air, cheek pressed into the dirt. Air leaned in close to his ear.

“It is not Quinn that you need to worry about. You think that I am easy pickings out here on my own? You are wrong.” Swiss snarled, struggling to get free and Air chuckled. “Don’t ever get in my face about Calista again. Of course she is protected. She is protected by us. We will stop at nothing to keep her safe and look after her. She is free now, she can do whatever the fuck she likes with whoever the fuck she likes. You would do well to remember that.”

“Fuck you!” Swiss growled.

“You know what?” Air said, sighing. “I don’t have fucking time for this. I have work to do and you are distracting me.”

Quinn shivered when he felt Air’s magics rising to the surface. He wasn’t holding back and the power behind it never failed to surprise Quinn when he let it go fully. It didn’t happen often, but when it did, Air always got what he wanted.

Years ago when Secondo had given up the reins of the Clergy to Terzo, Lucifer had paid Quinn a visit in the chapel. The next time Air had unleashed his powers, Quinn had made the connection; Air’s magic tasted the same as Lucifer’s. There had to be a family connection somewhere down the line but he’d never mentioned it to Air or to anyone else.

Whenever he felt it, it made him feel at ease. Swiss though? Swiss was caught full on in the headlights as Air directed his powers to him.

Please,” Swiss whispered.

They usually said that, or some variation. Air made them crave pleasing him, made them crave doing whatever he desired.

Air climbed off him and stood, dusting the dried leaves from the black trousers of his uniform. He gave a quick glance towards where Quinn was standing. Of course he’d known he was watching. He put his hands on his hips and glared down at Swiss.

“Get up,” he commanded. Swiss did as he was told. “I think that Calista has just gained a new advocate. She does not want to be stifled and mollycoddled and wrapped in cotton wool any longer, by you, by Rain or by anyone else. She knows her own mind and she wants to live her life to its fullest. I think that from now on you are going to become her biggest supporter. Whatever she wants to do, you will back her up. She will not be forced to do anything that she doesn’t want to do here, whatever she wants she can have. Whoever she wants, she can have. Do you understand? Have I made myself clear enough?”

Swiss nodded sharply, frowning as Air’s words sank in.

“Yes. We were just worried about her,” he said dejectedly, the truth spilling from him with the help of Air's magic. “She is fragile and we thought she’d been taken advantage of.”

“I should tear out your throat for even thinking such a thing,” Air said. “Calista is not fragile, she is strong. You would do well to remember that.”

Swiss shook his head as Air called his magics back. The young multi ghoul had the decency to look guilty.

“I’m sorry. I don’t know what I was thinking. Please don’t tell Quinn about this,” he whispered.

Air narrowed his eyes at the other ghoul.

“Just fuck off, Swiss. Go and deal with your own business instead of poking your nose into Calista’s,” he snarled. Swiss whined and made a swift exit. Once he was gone Air glanced over to where Quinn was emerging from the trees. “Forget something?” he asked with a smirk.

Quinn grinned at him, putting a hand at the nape of his neck. Air tilted his head back to look up at him.

“I forgot to tell you how fucking hot you are earlier. Oh, and I’ll be later than expected for dinner.”

Air leaned in and kissed him slowly.

“Damnit,” he murmured against Quinn’s lips.

Essence of Quinn Parts 3 & 4: Papa IV Era & The Main Event - Fate Breaker (MxM)Where stories live. Discover now