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Calista left to go about her day and Quinn figured that he should bite the bullet and go and speak to Air. He didn’t like when there was atmosphere between them so he wandered along to Air’s room and let himself in. The other ghoul was in the shower and the bathroom door was open.

Quinn slipped silently inside and began to strip.

“Joining me then?” Air said over his shoulder.

Of course he would sense Quinn there, despite how quiet he was being.

“Yes,” he said simply, stepping around the glass screen and into the large shower stall.

Air turned to him, blinking the water from his eyes. He gave Quinn a wry smile and sighed.

“You know you can’t just make everything right with sex, don’t you?” he said with a mock frown.

Quinn shrugged and grabbed Air’s shampoo from the shelf.

“That’s not why I’m here. Turn around, let me wash your hair for you.”

Air frowned but did as he was told. Quinn got to work, starting with the hair and then moving on to soaping the other ghoul up and reverently cleaning every inch of his skin.

It wasn’t sexual, it was more intimate than that. It was an apology but also an act of love and Air understood it on a deeper level than he would have done had Quinn merely said the words to him.

When he was done he sat back on his knees and looked up at Air, his eyes glowing, heat burning in his stare. Air knew what was on his mind and he smirked. Quinn’s face was inches away from Air’s cock; how could he resist that?

Air shook his head though, taking Quinn’s face between his palms. He smiled down at him, stroking along his cheekbones with his thumbs.

“No. Let me have my turn,” he said. He guided Quinn to his feet and gave him the same attention he’d just received. The feel of Air’s hands skimming over his flesh was something to savour and he took a minute to just breathe and enjoy the attention. “I didn’t mean to push at you about it,” Air said as he finished up rinsing the suds from Quinn’s hair. “It just occurred to me and I thought we should maybe talk about it and look into it.” Quinn shrugged and Air’s hands dropped to his shoulders, eyes meeting his. “I’m sorry too.”

Quinn shook his head, leaned in and kissed him. He purposefully made it chaste and sweet, keeping his hands on Air’s back rather than roaming lower. Like Air had said, they couldn’t solve everything with fucking; there were other ways to reconnect.

They stood under the spray for a while, fingers stroking through wet strands of hair and hands gently caressing water soaked skin until Quinn sighed.

“We need to get to work.”

He had some last minute bits of research to do for Secondo who was finalising Itzal’s death ritual which he was planning to do in the next few days. Air was on bodyguard duty. Quinn cursed himself for losing track of time. It was Sunday though and it felt like a lazy one.

They finished up in the bathroom and by some miracle they weren’t running late. There was even time to grab a quick breakfast before they headed to Secondo’s study.

The man himself was deep in conversation with Councillor Shay when they arrived and Water, who had been on the overnight shift, smiled at them in greeting. They did the handovers and went about their days.

Quinn spent most of the morning and the afternoon holed up in Secondo’s library, checking and double checking Secondo’s notes and ingredients for the ritual and finalising any translations that had been done. The ritual was going to be a mishmash of various different ones, so the incantations that Papa would be using had been taken from Latin, Ghoulish and Infernal texts. Quinn was proficient in all three of those languages so Secondo was relying on him to make sure they had been faithfully translated.

Essence of Quinn Parts 3 & 4: Papa IV Era & The Main Event - Fate Breaker (MxM)Where stories live. Discover now