Summoning Day

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Quinn came aware again to Air shoving his cum covered fingers roughly past his bruised and passion swollen lips.

He groaned, sucking them clean and feeling Air spasming around him as aftershocks of pleasure pulsed through him. Air’s other hand was wrapped around his throat, resting over the collar that he still wore. He’d kept it in place there pretty much the whole time he’d ridden Quinn.

When Quinn was done with the fingers, Air let go and flopped forwards on top of him, huffing out a long, hot breath against his neck.

“I don’t know about you, but I’m totally fucked,” Air breathed out.

Quinn snorted and traced gentle swirls across Air’s back with his claws. He kissed his hair and held him for a while.

They’d spent a few more hours driven by the call of the full moon and getting rid of the scents of the pack from Air’s skin. Quinn had to admit, he was pretty exhausted himself. He could feel his eyes closing but they snapped open when Air changed position and hissed as they separated. The sound leaned more towards pain than pleasure and he instantly felt guilty.

“Fuck, lie down, let me heal you,” Quinn said, already sending a wave of soothing magic to his mate.

Air hummed and snuggled into his side, one hand over his heart, claws petting his chest.

Air had been well used last night and as much as he absolutely relished that, he was always going to be sore the next day.

“I’m good. I can already feel the spell from the ring you gave me kicking in so by the time we wake up again I’m sure I’ll feel much better. I’ll run us a nice, hot bath later, but right now all I need is sleep.”

Quinn couldn’t argue with that so he hummed his agreement, sent one final surge of healing magic to Air and let his eyes drift closed.


The fire ghoul’s eyes burned with amber flames when he registered Quinn’s presence. He narrowed his stare but he stayed where he was, blocking the entrance to the dwelling that Quinn and Andras had tracked them down to.

It was a sensible move on the fire ghoul’s part, staying put, but Quinn knew that he wasn’t stupid. He was well aware that something bigger and a hell of a lot scarier than Quinn stood at his back.

Or maybe not if the rage Quinn had felt when he’d scented the ghoul again was any indication.

The last time he’d smelled that scent had been as he’d cradled Ashtoreth’s broken body and placed it into the rain filled hole in the ground along with the similarly broken bodies of their twin kits.

Quinn had committed all of the ghouls who had been there that night’s scents to memory and he had a feeling that they’d haunt his nightmares until his dying day.

“Where is the witch?” Quinn snarled.

The fire ghoul curled his lip with disdain but Quinn could feel the sense of relief that washed over him through his emotional pattern.

He knew that he was staring his death in the face, that it wouldn’t be too much longer now, and he welcomed it. The torment that he’d lived through for Satan knew how long at the hands of the witch who had enslaved him was almost over.

Death had come knocking and there would be no denying it. By the time Quinn and Andras left this place, he would finally be at peace.

“She is busy,” the young ghoul said, voice devoid of emotions even though he practically vibrated with them beneath the veneer of calm control.

Essence of Quinn Parts 3 & 4: Papa IV Era & The Main Event - Fate Breaker (MxM)Where stories live. Discover now