Worst Nightmare

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It was always so fucking cold in the basement cells of the Abbey. He understood why, of course. When the papas had been in charge, the frigid atmosphere helped to keep the prisoners edgy and miserable. He huffed a laugh. Now that Quinn was on the receiving end of that little creature comfort, he realised just how fucking thoughtful they'd been.

“Someone has woken up in a good mood today.”

The voice came from the doorway and Quinn shuddered. She never failed to repulse him, and today was no exception. He sighed and shifted position - as much as he could, being chained down to the stone slab in the centre of the cell, at least.

“And my mood just fucking soured, Imperator. What do you want today? As if I couldn’t guess.”

He turned his face towards her, scenting the playmates that she’d brought with her.

Oh goodie.

Four sets of glowing eyes focused on him, and he bared his fangs at them. Well, fang. The other one hadn’t grown back in yet after Nihil’s fire ghoul had ripped it out during one of their sessions last week.

Imperator sauntered over to him, walking the length of the stone and directing her superior, smug smile at him. She dragged her nail along his naked thigh as she went, scraping it along his hip, over his abs and gradually up to his cheek. She cupped it gently and he flinched away.

“Every day is exactly the same. So mouthy and hostile. Maybe I should get fire to remove your tongue next time. Although that would be a sickening waste.” Quinn growled and she narrowed her eyes at him, pursing her lips. “I’m sure by the time we are done with you today, you will be in a much more cooperative mood. I have a special treat for you because I know how much you like the more extreme side of things. Earth ghoul. Give him the potion.”

Quinn snarled and yanked on his chains as Nihil’s ghouls approached. He felt his eyes burning and he struggled as best he could, but as he'd come to realise, it was futile.

It had been the same every day since he’d woken up here. After the murders of the papas and Imperator taking over as head of the Clergy, she somehow managed to recall some of the dead papas’ ghouls and was in the process of trying to reprogram them.

Except for Quinn.

And Air, of course.

His sweet, beautiful Air.

Imperator had very personal beef with Quinn and she'd made sure to rip out his soul before she’d even chained him down here.

Quinn closed his eyes as the pain in his chest from yet another broken bond threatened to overwhelm him once again.

He steeled himself. Wouldn’t give her the satisfaction of seeing what she’d done to him. So here he was in his current sorry state and completely at her mercy.

Just the thought of what she had planned for him made him sick to his stomach, but he would never let her know it.

They gave him the same potion every day, which was followed by the same few hours of becoming Imperator’s needy plaything, followed by the same fun after she was done with him and had left him at the mercy of Nihil's near-feral old ghouls.

Essence of Quinn Parts 3 & 4: Papa IV Era & The Main Event - Fate Breaker (MxM)Where stories live. Discover now