Yes, Boss

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Secondo was waiting for them when they got to the chapel. They had a little while until the agreed time of midnight which gave Quinn time to pull him aside and ask what he wanted to ask. He took Secondo away from the others and spoke to him quietly, making sure to emphasise the feeling he'd had about Calista being better off staying on Earth. The intuition had escalated into a certainty that if she built her life back in Hell rather than on the Earth, something bad would happen to her. Secondo scowled.

"Let me think on this for a little while. We can ask her if she would like to stay and then take it from there. Leave it for a few days though, there are more important matters that need to be dealt with first."

Quinn nodded. He would have to be satisfied with that for now. She would be safe in the Council buildings with Boreas and his ghouls. Lyra would be there with her also.

"Thank you, Secondo."

Quinn was going to continue but Secondo held his hand up to quiet him.

"I have already cleared it for you to go back with her, but it will just be to drop her off. I need you back here for something. So you will settle her back there and then return here within the hour, si?"

Quinn reluctantly nodded and they went to prepare.

Calista was standing with Air who had his arm around her protectively. He quirked a brow at Quinn who gave a subtle nod and Air smiled.

"I am escorting you back but I need to return here soon. Will you be alright? Lyra will be there waiting for you."

He felt that she wasn't okay with that but she put on a smile and nodded.

"I will be fine. Lyra is nice. She was very kind to me before you arrived. I like her."

"We will come and see you often, I promise. There is some business that we need to attend to here but I think that we can come and see you in a couple of days."

Secondo called them over and Calista gave Air a fierce hug, standing on her tiptoes and placing a kiss on his cheek.

"Thank you again. Both of you. I will never forget what you've done for me. I will always be in your debt. If ever you need anything from me I will gladly do it. I don't have much to offer, well anything, but..."

Air chuckled and nuzzled her hair before kissing her on the forehead.

"We will, but you don't owe us anything at all. We will do anything that we can for you too."

She sniffed and rubbed the tears from her eyes that were threatening to spill. Quinn took her hand and led her to the circle. She didn't hesitate this time and she blew Air a kiss as the incantation began. Quinn could feel that Air was miserable because she had to go back but he had put a brave face over it and hidden it from her.

A few moments later and they were face to face with Boreas again.

"Welcome back," he said with a gentle smile.

They stepped out of the circle and Quinn nodded at the Prime Ghoul.

"Thank you," Calista said and Boreas broke out into a smile that was identical to Air's.

"It worked! I'm glad for you. Come, we will get you set up properly in another suite. I didn't think that you would want the same room again?"

"Oh, I don't mind. A new one would be nice though, thank you."

Calista tucked herself into Quinn's side and they walked through the corridors towards the living quarters. There was a private wing where Boreas and some of the ghouls and ghulehs who worked for the Council lived.

Essence of Quinn Parts 3 & 4: Papa IV Era & The Main Event - Fate Breaker (MxM)Where stories live. Discover now