Chapter 1 - Going Home

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Date: Friday 14th June 2024

Charlie's POV

I wake up early this morning. Maybe because I'm excited to finish uni. Or maybe it's because I'm ready to make something of my life. But it's probably the fact that I am going to see Nick later when he picks me up and takes me home.

I decide, after a while of just lying there, thinking about my life that's about to come, to get up and have some breakfast.

I really don't want to have breakfast this morning.

But I want to impress Nick, because the last time I saw him was when I had a self-harm relapse about a month ago. I want to show him, prove to him, that I am doing better. That I am ok.

I prepare myself a piece of toast and a cup of tea and begin to eat, trying to drown out the thoughts circulating my brain.

Once I have finished eating, my phone buzzes suggesting I have a new message. I look at my phone and there is a message notification on the screen from Nick. I open the message and it reads:

Nick: Can't wait to see you again

I then reply

Charlie: I know it's been too long

Nick: I am going to pick you up about 18:00, then we can stop for dinner then head home if that's ok with you?

Charlie: Yes that's fine.

Charlie: Maybe when we get home we can have a bit of fun?

Nick: Can't wait. See you soon!!!

Charlie: See you soon.

If Nick is going to pick me up about 18:00 then I only have 10 hours to pack everything. After a few moments of panicking about where to start and not having enough time, I decide to go get dressed so I can start with packing my clothes then move onto the rest of my room.

Once I have finished with my bedroom, I move onto the bathroom. When that is done I realise it is now 14:00 and I should have some lunch (considering it is already quite late).

I prepare myself half a sandwich and some salad bits, then get out a packet of crisps. I just about finish lunch - but it takes a while and a lot of effort - and decide to continue packing.

Nicks POV:

It's currently 15:30 and my teacher training course has just finished for the day, so I head out to my car and start the 2 hour drive up to Cambridge. I give Charlie a call to let him know that I am on my way and put on some music to help with the long drive.

When I arrive I head up to Charlie's apartment and for the very last time I knock on his door. The moment it opens I am embraced with a big hug from Charlie.

After a few moments of the small embrace we part and head into the apartment where I see all of Charlie's things stacked up by the door.

We catch up for a few minutes checking on how each other has been, before we decide to put all his stuff in the car and get some dinner as it's getting late, and we still need to get home.

Packing the car doesn't take too long (about 10 minutes or so) and when we finish we get in and I ask "Where would you like to go for dinner?"

"How about we go to this small restaurant I found a few weeks ago? It's got nice food and lovely customer service."

"Ok," I reply, "Do you remember how to get there?"

"No, I'll get it up on my phone now."

"Ok, and while you're at it can you put some music on please?"

"Yes, sure"

Once Charlie has the directions loaded up on his phone and put some music on, I start the car and drive us there.

Time skip to in the restaurant

We are led to our table by a waiter and sat down. As soon as we sit down I notice Charlie becoming anxious, so I hold his hand under the table and ask "You ok?"

"Yes, it's just not normally this busy."

"If you want to we can leave?"

"No it's fine, but if we can be quick that would be great."

After having a glance over the menu I call the waiter over so he can take our order. I order a steak and chips and Charlie orders a chicken salad.

Our food luckily comes pretty soon after we order it and as the waiter brings it over I am thankful as I don't know how long Charlie is going to last in here.

I try and eat at the same pace as Charlie so he doesn't feel left behind - although he doesn't seem to be going at too slow a pace considering the state he was in last time I saw him. We finish eating in comfortable silence and when we finish I see his plate is completely empty. I smile to myself and say "I'm so proud of you!"

"Thanks. I have been trying and I promise I'll never stop. I couldn't do that to you."

I smile back at him lost for words before saying "Should I pay the bill now so we can go home. Maybe take the fun you suggested to the bedroom?"

"Nick we're in public, and yes pay the bill, I want to get home ASAP now that we've made plans."

I call the waiter over and pay the bill. We then leave the restaurant and get in the car and drive home.

Time skip to arriving at Nicks house

Charlie's POV:

We pull onto the drive of nick childhood home. We decided to continue living here rather than moving out as both of us are only finishing school this summer and we are both still looking for jobs and we decided that this was more practical for the next year. However we are currently talking about moving out next summer.

We get out the car and bring my stuff into the house. We then go into the living room and say hello to Sarah. Nick gives her a hug before asking if I want a cup of tea, which obviously I accept. He then goes off to make the tea and I sit down on the sofa and talk with Sarah for a while, before Nick comes in carrying 2 cups of tea and hands me one. We stay downstairs while drinking our teas and once we have finished, we tell Sarah that we are heading up to bed and say goodnight.

Nick's POV:

I take our mugs into the kitchen and put them into the dishwasher. I then follow Charlie upstairs. As soon as I enter my room I am pushed against a wall by Charlie. After a minute or two of kissing and slowly exploring one another's mouths, we decide to take it to the bed.

I pull a condom out from my draw and put it on. You know what happens next so I am going to stop talking.

Time skip to just after their fun

Charlie's POV:

We just lie there for a bit, with me resting my head on Nicks chest and Nicks arms wrapped around me. I've missed this. This feeling of knowing that I'll always be safe and protected by Nick.

After a few minutes, Nick asks me "Want to go have a shower so we can get cleaned up?"

"Yes please" I respond.

"Ok, if you go in I'll join you in a minute once I've changed the sheets"

So, I get up and go into the bathroom and turn on the shower and wait for Nick. When he comes in a few minutes later, he looks a little bit concerned, but he doesn't mention it, so I decide to leave it. If he wants to tell me he will. So we just undress each other and get in the shower.

Once we finish in the shower, we head back into Nicks room. I put on a Pair of boxers and one of Nicks hoodies, and Nick just puts on a pair of boxers. We then get into bed and just cuddle for a while before we slowly drift off to sleep.

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