Chapter 4: Family Dinner

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Date: Monday 17th June 2024

Charlie’s POV

I am currently on my own, as Nick is at his teacher training course and Sarah is at work. It took a lot of reassuring Nick that I would be fine on my own, for him to agree to go to teacher training. I don’t know why he worries so much, I mean, I used to live on my own when I was at uni, so why is he so worried now?

I think what finally made him comfortable about leaving me on my own, was telling him I was meeting up with Tao for lunch. I think he thought that at least he could check with Tao to see if I had eaten. I don’t know why he cares so much – I mean, I do, but he never use to care this much so why now? It’s been like this since Saturday morning and I’m hoping he stops worrying about it as much soon as it’s beginning to drive me slowly insane.

It's currently 10:00 so I’ll have to leave for Taos in about 45 minutes so I’ll get there for 11:00. I decided to watch some TV for half an hour before going up and getting ready.

I end up being ready to leave slightly early, so I decide to just head out then because if I’m even a second late, Tao will start panicking and calling everyone trying to find me.

It’s honestly ridiculous.

I get Taos apartment building at 10:54 which leaves me with just enough time to climb the stairs as they live on the 2nd floor. When I reach the door, I knock and hear a scurry of footsteps before the door is opened bye Tao.

“Hi” I say.

“Hello, come in.” he responds.

“How have you and Elle been?”

“We’ve been good. How have you and Nick been?”

“We’ve been fine, I filled out and posted a job application yesterday so we’re waiting to hear back on that. Have you had any luck finding work?”

“Yes, I have actually. I got offered a job as a movie critic yesterday. Have you seen how well Elles art business is going?”

“No, why?”

“She’s had so much interest and so many orders lately that she has had to start hiring staff to keep up with the demand.”

This conversation goes on for a while until we both notice the time and decide to head out for lunch. We go to this small café, and go sit down. I start reading the menu, but when I look up I see Elle coming over to our table.

“Hi guys,” she says while sitting down. We both greet her then a waitress comes over to our table and takes our order.

About an hour later we have all eaten our food and we are just sat chatting, before Elle excuses herself as she has to get back to work. We all say goodbye and about 10 minutes later Tao and I decide to head back to his apartment and watch a movie.

After we finish the movie it’s quarter past 3, so I tell Tao that I need to head home otherwise Nick will start to worry as I said that I’d be home ate half 3. So we say goodbye and I begin to walk home.

Nick’s POV

I arrive home at 3:29 and go inside to find Charlie not back yet. When I recheck the time it half 3 – when he said he’d be back – so I decide to ring him. I know this must seem over the top, but ever since I found out there’s a chance that he’s pregnant I’ve felt a stronger need to make sure he's safe and well.

I wait for him to pick up the phone and when he does I practically shout into the phone “Where are you? You said you’d be home at half past, it’s half past.”

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