Chapter 38: National Park of S'albuffera

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Date: Sunday 11th August 2024

Nicks’s POV

When I wake up, I see Charlie sat up, back against the headboard, staring into space, clearly thinking about something big.

I am like 99% sure it’s that it’s about Janes trial tomorrow, but just to make sure I ask “Are you ok?”

“I’m fine, just thinking about tomorrow.”

“What about tomorrow are you thinking about?”

“Just that if mum gets out tomorrow, Tori, Olly and I will practically be dead.”

“Well I wont let that happen, as I’ll always be there to protect you.”

“I know. And the odds of her being let off are very low, as they’ve got a very good lawyer, so everything should be ok.”

“It’s not that it should be ok, it will be ok, even if we don't get the result that we wanted, everything will still be ok.”

“I know. I love you.”

“I love you too. Now, how about we get up, have a shower, get dressed, spend hours doing our hair and go get some breakfast.”

“Ok, let’s go.”

Charlie’s POV

By the time we’ve finished breakfast, we have 15 minutes left until we need to leave so we decided to go into the living room and start watching a film, until it’s time to go.

When it’s time to go, Tilly comes into the living room and says “Nick, Uncle Charlie, it’ time to go.”

“Ok.” Nick says as we get up.

I still haven’t gotten used to the feeling of them calling me Uncle Charlie. But it still gives me a nice warm feeling inside, so I do still like it.

By the time we get there, I somehow need the toilet again – despite going just before we left - so I quickly slip away, and return without anyone – bar Nick – noticing. This pregnancy is already driving me nuts, and I'm only 8 weeks in – but it will all be worth it in the end.

We then begin the walk, following the route on the map. We naturally fall into the usual formation, the twins and Rich at the front, us at the back, and Sarah and Diane in the middle. The only person who wasn’t where they normally would be was David.

Instead of trying to race ahead, like normal, he hung back with me and Nick. It was kind of weird, but we went along with it and I'm glad we did. Because once you get past the layer of years of built up anger, he’s actually a decent person.

As we arrived at the first bird hide, I made sure to find a seat quickly, as I was feeling a little wobbly. Nothing too bad, just something that needs a sit down and a drink. However, Nick must have noticed that I wasn’t 100% as he quickly came over and asked “Are you alright?”

“Yeah, just feeling a little wobbly, that’s all. Can I have my drink?”

“Yeah, of course,” he says while fishing my water bottle, out of the bag that he had been carrying, “Do you want me to carry you for this next stretch?”

“Yes please.”

When it was time to start walking again, I put the bag on my back, so Nicks was free for me, which I got on, and we started walking again.

I ended up staying on Nicks back, the entirety of the time we were walking, and only got off at all the rest points and bird hides.

We then went to the beach, where I had a nap on a towel, while Nick and a few of the others were in the sea.

We the went home, finished watching the movie, had dinner, and while the others were playing the daily boardgame, I went into our room to phone Tori.

She answered after a few rings and said “Hi, is everything ok?”

“Everything’s fine. I just wanted to check in about tomorrow.”

“Oh, well, court starts at 10:30, and we should have a result by 5.”

“Ok, can you let me know the result as soon as you find out.”

“Of course. Anyway, how have you been?”

“I’ve been ok, how’s Olly been?”

“He’s fine. He appears to be keeping it together, more than expected, but I think we all just need tomorrow over and done with, so we know what’s going on, and what going to be our future.”

“Well, good luck.”

“Thanks, and don't worry – everything will be ok.”

“I know.”

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